Search Results: modern (405)

Paul Gittins 0
The cost of modernization

Unless you live in England, you may not have seen the recent announcement that Buckingham Palace is to undergo a 10-year refurbishment costing the British taxpayer £369M. Even with the post-Brexit devaluation of Sterling, that’s still a sizable spend representing nearly US$500 million. The Queen will remain in residence during

Data Management
Tom Davenport 1
5 steps to analytic modernization

Some organizations I visit don’t seem to have changed their analytics technology environment much since the early days of IT. I often encounter companies with 70s-era base statistical packages running on mainframes or large servers, data warehouses (originated in the 80s), and lots of reporting applications. These tools usually continue

Alli Soule 0
'You are modernizing. And SAS is modernizing as well.'

SAS Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer Jim Davis welcomed the Opening Session audience at SAS Global Forumall too appropriately: by using text analytics to create a word cloud, based on CEO Jim Goodnight’s remarks just minutes before. And he honed in on a word that stood out to

Jonathan Moran 0
3 reasons why marketers need SAS® for customer analytics

Customer analytics is becoming imperative for organizations that desire to create and provide personalized and satisfying customer experiences. To understand and anticipate customer needs, preferences and behaviors in a fast-moving marketplace, organizations must make sense of unstructured data, apply industry-specific data and analytics techniques, and optimize every customer-level decision and

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