Search Results: Internet of things (253)

Michael Thomas 0
Growing the IoT at the US Masters Chess Championship

What's the path to becoming a young Grandmaster for a student chess player like 13-year-old almost-grandmaster Samuel Sevian or the top 11 year old in the world Awonder Liang? Their paths included the recent US Masters Chess Championship in Greensboro, NC over the weekend of Aug 28th-Sept 1st, 2014. Like the

Mark Torr 0
How Hadoop emerged and why it gained mainstream traction

In the world of IT, very few new technologies emerge that are not built on what came before, combined with a new, emerging need or idea. The history of Hadoop is no exception. To understand how Hadoop came to be, we therefore need to understand what went before Hadoop that led to its creation. To understand

Internet of Things
Anne Belder 9
Why we need digital banks

We often hear from retail bank customers that they aren't satisfied with the revenue captured through digital channels. It was therefore with great interest that I embarked on the mission to understand Chris Skinner’s book Digital Bank. Why we need digital banks The book starts by painting the landscape of

Alyssa Farrell 0
Innovation at the (grid) edge

Ask a utility executive about “the utility of the future” and you’re likely to get as many different answers as people you speak to.  Whether they’re energy service providers, customer energy advocates or masters of microgrids, the mechanism for maintaining utility revenues is uncertain. At a recent meeting of the

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