The DO Loop
Statistical programming in SAS with an emphasis on SAS/IML programsA previous article shows how to use the iml action to read a CAS data table into an IML matrix. This article shows how to write a CAS table from data in an IML matrix. You can read an overview of the iml action, which was introduced in SAS Viya
A previous article compares a SAS/IML program that runs in PROC IML to the same program that runs in the iml action. (You can read an overview of the iml action.) The example in the previous article was very simple and did not read or write data. This article compares
A previous article provides an introduction and overview of the iml action, which is available in SAS Viya 3.5. The article compares the iml action to PROC IML and states that most PROC IML programs can be modified to run in the iml action. This article takes a closer look
This article introduces the iml action, which is available in SAS Viya 3.5. The iml action supports most of the same syntax and functionality as the SAS/IML matrix language, which is implemented in PROC IML. With minimal changes, most programs that run in PROC IML also run in the iml
A SAS customer asked how to specify interaction effects between a classification variable and a spline effect in a SAS regression procedure. There are at least two ways to do this. If the SAS procedure supports the EFFECT statement, you can build the interaction term in the MODEL statement. For
I recently read an article that describes ways to compute confidence intervals for the difference in a percentile between two groups. In Eaton, Moore, and MacKenzie (2019), the authors describe a problem in hydrology. The data are the sizes of pebbles (grains) in rivers at two different sites. The authors