The implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is very nearly upon us. The deadline is approaching, and we are very firmly into the transition phase. Should you panic? Definitely not. Instead, you must breathe and prioritise. Ask yourself what areas regulators and consumers are most likely to stumble
Innovation labs were once hailed as the way in which established companies could “build in” innovation and ensure that it happened. For a while it was almost the default approach. However, in the last few years, several of these high-profile innovation labs have been shut down. It’s clear that not
Cyfrowa rzeczywistość już na stałe zmieniła sposób kupowania wielu osób. Brak ograniczeń w dostępie do ofert licznych sklepów i firm usługowych powoduje, że coraz trudniej znaleźć przeciwników tego kierunku zmian.
Internal audit departments are not often thought of as consumers of high impact analytics. But our recent experience suggests otherwise. Many are working on improving their procurement integrity and in these scenarios they want to detect — and stop — fraud, loss, abuse or waste in procurement. They also want
Quando ero un bambino e mio padre comprava il giornale settimanale di enigmistica, lo aprivo subito a pagina 8, dove sapevo che avrei trovato un gioco che avrebbe stimolato, seppur brevemente, la mia curiosità e immaginazione: la Pista Cifrata, o “unite i punti”. Prima di iniziare a unire i punti
As we progress into 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is looming on most organisations’ radar. The requirements are becoming clearer, but there is still some ambiguity about precisely what needs doing. There is, however, no question that algorithms are an area of concern, and in particular, whether their
Online payment fraud can be a challenging topic. It is not just the payment service provider that is responsible for creating a payment platform that is secure and tamper-proof. The payer, too, needs to be aware of the changing threat landscape and adjust actions and habits accordingly. Regulators have started
Não poucas vezes sou confrontado com pessoas que me questionam da necessidade de utilização de uma plataforma de advanced analytics para resolver temas como interpretação de texto ou risco de crédito. A pergunta tem o seu quê de racional porque, na verdade, os algoritmos de aprendizagem mecânica não evoluíram assim
During the last two years, I have been involved in quite a number of meetings and conferences about the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). My role has been to provide information about the regulation and its impact and what organisations need to do as a result. Known unknowns and
The importance of real-time engagement is rapidly growing in companies around the world. The vast majority of customers now want and expect personalised experiences, tailored to fit their preferences and habits. This type of personalisation is only possible, however, with really good real-time analytics to provide insights, and suitable systems