The public sector is finally changing. Artificial intelligence is gradually finding its way into its administrative structures.
#Amazon forced retailers to find new ways to attract their customers. How can artificial intelligence help #retailers to adress their group?
Sabe o que está a causar defeitos nos produtos da sua fábrica? Sabe avaliar os prejuízos provocados por esses defeitos e que factores os influenciam? Sabe quais os parâmetros da máquina que têm maior influência na ocorrência desses mesmos defeitos? Estas são algumas das questões e dúvidas que muitas fábricas
I have a clear view on the potential of AI: the true value of AI lies in helping banks to know and understand their customers.
It’s imperative that banks embrace technology - driven changes, break down barriers to change and disrupt themselves digitally.
How to address insurers' challenges by providing AI and machine learning to streamline a customer centric pricing process.
Edge computing allows businesses to handle thousands of data points and interactions rapidly and immediately, in real time.
Risk and finance teams know more about each other’s worlds than at any time since risk emerged from finance.
Quantitative risk and finance modeling is no different. Data scientists use a mix of old and new technologies and algorithms.
Which measures financial services can take to keep their customers complaints at a minimum.