Cybercriminals are licking their lips at the prospect of businesses moving more of their services online. Machine learning can help your company keep the fraudsters at bay.
SAS Covid-19 Taskforce bietet kostenlose Handlungsempfehlungen für Unternehmen. Was sagen Ihnen die vorhandene Daten für jetzt und für die Zeit danach?
We've set up a Covid-19 task force to support you during this crisis. We offer free consultations and can provide recommendations.
The UK’s Royal College of Nursing says that workplace stress is often cited in compensation claims, and frequently associated with inadequate staffing levels.
Prof. Krüger (Dt. Forschungszentrum für KI), Dr. Thiele (DB) und S. Lochbrunner (MaibornWolff) über Digitalisierungsgrad in Deutschland.
By transferring non-differentiating activities to modular industry utilities, banks could potentially improve return on equity by 60 to 100 basis points.
In some cases, recovery provides immunity to future infections, however the evidence currently available for COVID-19 cannot confirm this immunity stage.
Yeni tip korona virus (COVID-19) ile yapılan global mücadeleye veri bilimi ışığında katkıda bulunmak ister misiniz? Uzmanların belirttiği üzere, “sosyal mesafe”ye dikkat etmek ve temel hijyen kurallarını takip etmek başta olacak şekilde, almamız gereken önlemler var. Veri bilimciler ise bu pandeminin en etkili şekilde yönetilmesinde çeşitli projelerle yardımcı olmaktalar. Sizler
By this point you may be wondering whether the so-called hill that represents the move to operationalization may actually be a mountain.
Interview mit Wissenschaftsministerin Theresia Bauer, Baden-Württemberg.