
martinliebach 0
Customer satisfaction matters!

Telia achieves higher customer satisfaction, higher customer loyalty and higher revenue by bringing data, analytics and valuable insights to their business customers. More satisfied customers equals lower churn and increased revenue. It is usually cheaper to retain customers than acquire new ones. Satisfied customers are more likely to recommend your

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Data Management | Internet of Things
Henrikki Hervonen 0
Is it time you started thinking about event stream processing?

A few decades ago, when the first business intelligence solutions appeared, based on carefully designed data warehouses, real-time data capture was a distant dream. Reporting cycles were weekly or monthly at best, with data cleaned and loaded to match. Fast forward to now, and the demand for rapid data-driven decision-making

Johan Sandell 0
Ratkaistaanko kestävyysvaje Suomen vai Ruotsin opeilla?

Olemme SAS Institutessa toimineet nyt reilun vuoden ajan pohjoismaisessa organisaatiossa erillisten maaorganisaatioiden sijasta. Tavoitteenamme on, että hyödynnämme voimavarojamme entistä tehokkaammin yli rajojen. Esimerkiksi kun meillä aiemmin oli Suomessa muutama sosiaali- ja terveysalan analytiikkaan erikoistunut asiantuntija, nyt käytössämme on pohjoismainen tiimi alansa erikoisosaajia – paikallisasiantuntemuksen lisäksi. Yhteistyö pohjoismaisessa organisaatiossa on saanut

Internet of Things
Adrian Jones 0
FutureAnalytics: Cognitive computing in IoT deployments

Cognitive computing is effectively the development of ‘computer as brain’. Cognitive computing systems can handle complex, ambiguous situations, looking for ‘best’ rather than ‘right’ answers. In preparation for sessions at Analytics Experience in Rome, I  caught up with Sue Feldman, co-founder of the Cognitive Computing Consortium,  for a preview. How does cognitive

Data Management
Ulrike Bergmann 0
Time to take GDPR seriously

If you are a business manager in a European company that holds personal customer data, or one that holds data on European customers, it’s time to start sitting up and taking notice. GDPR is here, and you really can’t afford to ignore it any longer. GDPR—or General Data Protection Regulation,

Customer Intelligence
peterthomasson 0
Is loyalty dead?

The world around us is changing - and it is changing fast. In 1958, Companies lasted on average 61 years. In 2012, companies' lifespans average only 18! Because of digitalization impacting almost every part of our lives, these changes are also happening at an exponential rate. At the Wednesday Relations Loyalty

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