Crowdfunding is the practice of funding a project or venture by raising monetary contributions from a large number of people. It has emerged as a way to raise money without involving big lenders, and therefore is often used for projects that simply would not get funding any other way. But
The European Parliament has adopted new personal data protection regulation. This must be implemented in all organisations by end of May 2018, and applies also to EEA countries. The new rules mean increased responsibility for businesses and public administration, substantially higher penalties for violations, and a greater focus on control
It is early Saturday morning. Very quiet. Kids are still sleeping. Sun is slowly rising and the air is magically yellow, the kind of morning glow you only get in October when the leaves are slowly turning. I love this time of the year, this time of the day, this
The term market driven – or demand driven as some prefer to call it – refers to a situation in which the supply chain responds to the actual requirements of the market. It has been the utopia of supply chain planning for years, and the number of business strategies and
EU-parlamentet har vedtatt ny personvernforordning. Denne skal være innført i alle virksomheter før 25. mai 2018, og er også gjeldende for EØS-land. De nye reglene medfører økt ansvarliggjøring av bedrifter og offentlig forvalting, betydelige økte nivåer for overtredelsesgebyr og økt fokus på kontroll og overholdelse av lovgivningen. I praksis betyr
Telia achieves higher customer satisfaction, higher customer loyalty and higher revenue by bringing data, analytics and valuable insights to their business customers. More satisfied customers equals lower churn and increased revenue. It is usually cheaper to retain customers than acquire new ones. Satisfied customers are more likely to recommend your
A few decades ago, when the first business intelligence solutions appeared, based on carefully designed data warehouses, real-time data capture was a distant dream. Reporting cycles were weekly or monthly at best, with data cleaned and loaded to match. Fast forward to now, and the demand for rapid data-driven decision-making
Monday the 3rd of October some 100 Cyber and IT Security professionals joined the Danish conference Børsen IT-sikkerhedskonference 2016, moderated by the Editor in Chief, Niels Lunde. On the agenda, Cyber Crime was the dominating topic for the day. This was the first time the conference took place and personally,
The idea that patients should be involved in their own care, and that they do better as a result has been around a while. But it is only relatively recently that technology has been applied to patient engagement across the board. Much of this has been fuelled by patients' growing
Olemme SAS Institutessa toimineet nyt reilun vuoden ajan pohjoismaisessa organisaatiossa erillisten maaorganisaatioiden sijasta. Tavoitteenamme on, että hyödynnämme voimavarojamme entistä tehokkaammin yli rajojen. Esimerkiksi kun meillä aiemmin oli Suomessa muutama sosiaali- ja terveysalan analytiikkaan erikoistunut asiantuntija, nyt käytössämme on pohjoismainen tiimi alansa erikoisosaajia – paikallisasiantuntemuksen lisäksi. Yhteistyö pohjoismaisessa organisaatiossa on saanut