Artificial intelligence

Mike Turner 0
Knowing your customer: how the telecoms industry can weather a squeeze on consumer spending

With the cost-of-living crisis continuing and the UK now in a recession, industries have to acclimatise to shifting market trends and consumer behaviour to maintain revenue and hit sales targets. The telecommunications industry is susceptible to consumers’ different priorities in times of economic hardship - many consumers will stick with

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Data Management
Spiros Potamitis 0
How organizations can maximize productivity to maintain their competitive edge

Data science teams are no longer comprised of tiny groups of Ph.D. holders exploring cutting-edge projects. Organizations that wish to stay competitive in their marketplaces today need effective data science teams. A strategy to effectively apply advanced analytics and data science to drive better products, services and decisions has many

Arthur de Crook 0

SAS Summercamp brings innovations to next level The words curious, passionate, accountable and authentic best describe the atmosphere around the SAS office in Huizen during the SAS D[N]A Lab Summercamp 2022. From 16-19 August, the Dutch SAS office was transformed into a real Summercamp, including an actual campsite. During this

Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Manuel Rodríguez Díaz 0
Hacia una mejora operativa de los analistas de inteligencia

Un analista recopila, estudia datos y, a partir de ellos, saca conclusiones. Sus cometidos incluyen encontrar patrones de comportamiento en los datos y tomar decisiones basadas en el aprendizaje obtenido. Hay analistas en una amplia variedad de sectores, así como diferentes tipos y con objetivos heterogéneos. Los científicos de datos

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