
Sanjay Matange
Director, R&D

Sanjay Matange is R&D Director in the Data Visualization Division responsible for the development and support of the ODS Graphics system, including the Graph Template Language (GTL), Statistical Graphics (SG) procedures, ODS Graphics Designer and related software. Sanjay has co-authored a book on SG Procedures with SAS/PRESS.

Data Visualization
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Proportional Euler Diagram

The topic of VENN diagrams had come up a while ago.  At that time, I thought it may be interesting to build a proportional VENN diagram.  But, reading up on VENN Diagrams, I learned that VENN diagrams represent all intersections of N sets, regardless of whether there are actually any observations in one

Data Visualization
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Swimmer plot

At PharmaSUG 2014 in San Diego, I had the pleasure of attending "Swimmer Plot: Tell a Graphical Story of Your Time to Response Data Using PROC SGPLOT", by Stacey Phillips.  In this paper, Stacey presented an interesting graph showing the effects of a study drug on patients' tumor size. Stacey

Data Visualization
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Grouped Timeline

Recently, a user posed a question on how to plot stacked frequencies on a time axis.  The data included frequencies of different viruses by week.  The data is modified to preserve confidentiality and is shown below. The user's first instinct was to use a bar chart with stacked groups.  This works for automatically computing frequencies

Data Visualization
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Report from PharmaSUG 2014

Just getting back from PharmaSUG 2014 in San Diego.  The conference was great, both inside and outside.  The organizers ordered up some great weather for the Padres game and also for dinner on the flight deck of the Midway Carrier. Our focus here being on graphics, we were all extremely gratified by the presentations in

Data Visualization
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SG Procedures and GTL provide you with a large set of plot statements, such as BarChart, ScatterPlot, BoxPlot and more.  You can use them for the intended purpose, and all is well and good.  However, the real fun starts when you leverage a plot to do something that was not

Data Visualization
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Multi-Group Series Plots

The series plot is a popular way to visualize response data over a continuous axis like date with a group variable like treatment.   Here is some data I made up of a response value by date, treatment, classification and company that makes the drug.  The data is simulated as shown in the attached program

Data Visualization
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Labeled curves

Often, the topic of an article is motivated by a question from a user.  A satisfactory resolution of the situation is usually a good indication of a topic that may be of interest to other users.  On such question was posed to me by a user this weekend.  He wanted to display fit

Data Visualization
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The BLOCK Plot

When you hear of a Scatter Plot or a Series Plot, you have a picture in your mind what we are talking about.  But one of the plot statements available in GTL, and soon with SGPLOT, is the BLOCK plot.  I am sure this leaves many users scratching their heads, wondering

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