
Work & Life at SAS
Lisa Allred 0
PRIDE Everywhere

  June is PRIDE month. Even before I joined the leadership team for the SAS PRIDE Employee Inclusion Group, I always used my Work/Life blog in June to write about LGBTQ youth and how we can support them. This year I struggle to find words that are adequate to educate,

Alyssa Grube 0
Doing good and giving back

Written by Allison Hines and Kara Roberts  Over the last few weeks, we've shared stories of how SAS employees are banding together while staying apart during the COVID-19 crisis. Our people have donated their time and skills to the cause, including making masks for healthcare workers, leading virtual dance classes for students with special needs and hosting trivia games for charity via Zoom – among many other efforts. Keep reading

Work & Life at SAS
In Response to Recent Events: A message from the Work/Life Center

A message from the Work/Life Center: It is not surprising that the SAS community is deeply moved and troubled by the recent examples of racism that reflect larger systemic problems in our nation. Work/Life wants to respond to your requests for ideas about supporting colleagues and taking action in your community. We understand the urge to act and will provide suggestions in our

Work & Life at SAS
Alyssa Grube 0
Using what you have, right where you are

Written by Allison Hines and Kara Roberts  To encourage and inspire others to think of ways to give back during this pandemic, we’re sharing stories of how SAS employees are spreading compassion in their local communities. They’ve done everything from making masks and preparing meals for their communities to leading virtual dance classes and collecting supplies for hospitals. Keep reading to learn how our employees are lifting spirits

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