Strengthens and stretches legs, knees and ankles. Stretches groins, spine, chest, lungs and shoulders. Stimulates abdominal organs and aids in digestion. Improves balance and increases stamina.
Revolved Twist/Side Angle Pose (Sanskrit: Parivrtta Parsvakonasana)
- From High Lunge pose with left foot forward, place hands at heart center. Make sure the front knee is bent and doesn't extend beyond the front toe. Take a deep breath in while lengthening spine. On the exhale, rotate the spine from the waist up to the left.
- Take another deep breath and begin to hook your right elbow outside the left thigh while hinging forward. Lengthen spine on inhale and on exhale, twist a little more with palms moving to center of chest. There is a diagonal line from the crown of the head to the back heel. Stay in the pose for 3-5 breaths. Repeat on the other side.
- To advance pose, you can lengthen both arms with right arm reaching to floor along side the left lower leg and left arm reaching to sky. Gaze can turn up to top hand.
Note: Keep hips lifted by pressing into the back foot. Your hips should be higher than your front knee. If you’re doing this correctly, you will feel your front glute working more. Modification: You can keep back knee on ground and keep palms at heart center.
Contraindications: If you have any neck problems, you can keep your gaze down at the floor. If you have any spinal conditions, please check with your medical provider first. If you are expecting, don't attempt deep twists. Instead, you can remain in Low Lunge or High Lunge, if comfortable. Listen and honor your body.
Namaste - The light within me honors the grace and wisdom within you.