Customer Intelligence

Learn how marketing analytics is redefining the customer experience

Customer Intelligence | Data Management
Suneel Grover 0
Web analytics vs. digital intelligence - what's the difference?

The business opportunity to intelligently manage customer journeys across their lifecycle with your brand has never been greater, but so is the danger of not meeting their expectations and losing out to savvier competitors. In my opinion, the current state of most digital analytic practices continue to be siloed, tactical, and narrowly fixated on channel-obsessed dashboard

Customer Intelligence
Suneel Grover 0
Analytical segmentation for data-driven marketing

Marketers have used segmentation as a technique to target customers for communications, products, and services since the introduction of  customer relationship management (i.e., CRM) and database marketing. Within the context of segmentation, there are a variety of applications, ranging from consumer demographics, geography, behavior, psychographics, events and cultural backgrounds. Over time, segmentation has proven its value,

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