
Chris Hemedinger 0
A case of mistaken identity

I cannot blame SAS customers when they get confused about which SAS products do what. There are a lot of SAS products in play out there, and sometimes their given names don't help the cause. Take SAS Enterprise Guide and SAS Enterprise Miner, for example. These are two very different

Angela Hall 0
Searching thru job boards of a SAS world

When you are looking for SAS geared jobs, Monster.com and other main Job Boards are pretty good. However there are niche locations on the web to help you with a SAS specific job search. Included is my initial list: 1. SAS Professionals (http://www.sasprofessionals.net/) 2. I-Crunch Data (http://www.icrunchdata.com/) 3. Linked In Group:

Kirsten Hamstra 0
Introducing a new video series

I've been working on a project for SAS Publishing that launched this week - a new video series featuring interviews with our authors and SAS experts. Some of you might already be familiar with our podcast series (soon to be on iTunes!), The Cover Story, hosted by my colleague Shelly

Chris Hemedinger 0
SAS does cool stuff

The SAS UK folks have put together a profile of SAS on BigAmbition.co.uk, a site meant to attract young people toward IT careers. The SAS profile includes a nice video that describes SAS as a company and what people can do with our software. While you're looking at videos, be

Christine Kjellberg 0
I am thankful

With Thanksgiving less than a week away, it’s a time to remember all that we are thankful for. Of course, I think we should remember all year long what we are truly thankful for and what matters most in our lives, but I digress. One of the small things that

Stacey Hamilton 0
In My Own Words

I can still remember most of the lines of the poem: Two roads diverged in a yellow wood and sorry I could not travel both . . . I’ve forgotten what I ate for lunch yesterday, so for me to remember the words of Robert Frost's “The Road Not Taken,”

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John West 0
Two new titles, one relieved editor

I’m excited to announce that SAS Press will have two more new books available for sale soon! Output Delivery System: The Basics and Beyond by Lauren Haworth, Cynthia Zender, and Michele Burlew, and Combining and Modifying SAS Data Sets: Examples, Second Edition by Michele Burlew will be available November 16th.

Shelly Goodin 0
I’ve been writing in a bubble!

Contributed by Jonathan Hornby, Director of Worldwide Marketing for Performance Management at SAS Radical Action for Radical Times came to life after the Lehman Bros collapse of 2008. I had just got back from vacation and couldn’t believe the depth and speed of ramifications rippling out. A few years earlier

Christine Kjellberg 0
The Creeps

I realize that Halloween is a week behind us, but thinking of some of things I saw last week I still get the creeps. For example, we had a pumpkin decorating contest here in our building at SAS. Well, one contestant called their pumpkin “The Rat” – and on the

Chris Hemedinger 0
Learn about ODS Statistical Graphics

If you've read this blog before, then you already know about the ODS statistical graphics that are available in SAS 9.2. We've been talking about this innovation at SAS for years. Now it's time to spread the news. Do your colleagues a favor: forward this post to them, or at

Chris Hemedinger 0
Hooo-ray for Hollywood

I've just returned from the Los Angeles Basin SAS Users Group (LABSUG), where I both presented a talk and learned from others. (The meeting was in Pasadena, but I did get a chance to tour the area, as you can see from my picture.) The title of my talk was

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Julie Platt 0
A Whole Lotta Happy!

The North Carolina State Fair just closed. This year’s theme was a “A Whole Lotta Happy” and drew in a record-breaking 900,000 people. Whether you go there for the rides or the games or the exhibits or the animals or the giant pumpkins or the latest fried concoction, the State

Shelly Goodin 0
What’s up with PROC CERTIFY?

Contributed by Dan Harrell, project leader for Documentation Development’s certification guides I’m sure you are eagerly following Christine Kjellberg and Stacey Hamilton’s journey to become certified 9.2 base SAS programmers? Tracking their adventure is more fun than reality TV. Who needs “Survivor” or “Big Brother” when we have Christine’s and

Angela Hall 0
Editing Tasks in a Reopened EG 4.2 Project

In the new SAS Enterprise Guide 4.2 Project, I have found that before making modifications to a reopened project, run the process flow once (or through to that particular point) so the necessary work data table is available. Certain tasks, if opened when the work table doesn't currently exist, will create

Angela Hall 0
Shared Cascading Prompts

I was reviewing some functionality capabilities for a project and came across this scenario. We have two prompts that are cascading (one drives the list available in the second) such as city selection to street selection. I could then share the first one, but not the second. Turns out you

Angela Hall 0
Setting up Public Access in SAS Stored Processes (9.1.3)

What if you would like everyone to be able to run SAS Stored Processes without experiencing the authentication (log-in) screen? 1. You need to change the /SASStoredProcess/Params.config and a web.xml file for SAS 9.1.3. Change the following line _username=$servlet.user.name TO: _username=<Your Shared Account Name> AND THEN ADD the following line:

Stacey Hamilton 0
Live from PBLS

Our day started in the exhibit hall with a delicious Tex Mex breakfast and lots of visitors interested in buying the speakers' books, which we have in stock for purchase. We have Wiley and SAS Business Series titles, including Thornton May's The New Know, as well as titles by Malcolm

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Stacey Hamilton 0
Live from M2009 - Day 3

Tuesday was a great day at M2009. I was able to talk to SAS Press author Randy Collica, who is working on a new edition of CRM Segmentation and Clustering Using SAS Enterprise Miner. I interviewed him and Curt Hinrichs, another SAS Press author, who is a coauthor of the

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