This blog post is the ninth in our series and I can promise you that you will still be amazed by what you learn about this SAS user and friend. Today, I’ve had the privilege to interview Toby Dunn. I met him for the first time in Savannah, Georgia, in
I met Phil Holland nearly three years ago at my first SAS Global Forum. Actually, he and I met on Twitter before the conference. Phil, as @hollandnumerics, talked with me many times on Twitter about his plans for attending SAS Global Forum. He and I were excited about SAS'; plans
In November, I introduced a series of interviews called SASonality. The term was meant to define a person – SAS user or SAS staff – who had made a lasting impression, both in the way that he or she uses SAS and cares for and treats others. The problem is
I've never met Sy Truong face-to-face. (That will be one of the top items on my SAS Global Forum 2011 to-dos.) I’ve talked with him on Twitter and enjoyed his blog so much that I listed it in an edition of the SAS Tech Report. I’ve even talked with him
The SASonality series is about connecting you with SAS users that you may not have taken time to really get to know. Today, I’m going to introduce you to someone that you’ve seen at the SAS regional users group conferences. As you’ll see after reading his interview, he’s created a
This is the fifth post in the SASonality series. In this week’s post, I’ve interviewed Rick Langston, a man most SAS users have met or read about. He’s been with SAS for 30 years and attended nearly every SUGI/SAS Global Forum. In the photo at the right, Rick is the
In the few months before SAS Global Forum 2011, I'd like to introduce you to as many special SAS personalities as possible. As you probably know, I've labeled their special character, SASonality. In today's post, I'm introducing you to Rick Wicklin. Rick and I have never met face-to-face, but I
This year’s winners of the Best Paper Award at SAS Belux Forum 2010 have been given a trip to SAS Global Forum 2011 in Las Vegas. Attending any SAS users group event is an exciting opportunity to meet other SAS users and learn new ways to use SAS, but this
In this ongoing series about people with SASonality, today’s introduction is Diane Hatcher, a Solutions Architect from SAS Technology Practice. Diane and I had exchanged e-mails many times before meeting face-to-face for the first time at SESUG 2010. Every time I passed through the SAS Solutions Center, I noticed that
In the months leading up to SAS Global Forum 2011, I want to give you a chance to get to know some SAS friends just a little bit better. I made my own list of people who have SASonality. SASonality means you have a love for SAS users, innovate with

Before the two most recent SAS Global Forums, I wrote posts introducing you to SAS presenters and SAS user presenters. In 2009 (my first SAS Global Forum), I wrote the SAS Presenters Series and introduced SAS professionals including I-Kong Fu, Chris Hemedinger and Daniel Jahn. In 2010, the introductions included
~Contributed by Sara Jones~ It’s October and there’s a chill in the air. In North Carolina that means State Fair time. Now, for those who are not from the U.S., or for those who are, but don’t live in “the South” -- you may not know what this means. Think
~Contributed by Steve Benfield, Senior Director of Corporate Communications ~ Need a translation? Here you go: What In The World Is Wrong With “SGF?” Make sense now? Surely I don’t need to spell out SGF for an audience of SAS users, do I? Well, a quick Google search will tell
For a service organization like ours, there are few things more valuable, let me correct that, nothing is more valuable, than feedback from our users. We are really lucky in this regard; SAS users are not bashful about sharing their opinions when it comes to “their” software. We certainly benefited

Jean Balent gave a quick 20-minute presentation of her ideas that may help programmers become more organized and therefore more productive. The presentation is a shortened version of her paper, How to become an organized SAS programmer. In fact, her tips may be useful in other areas of your career.

Social media is all the rage at this year’s SAS Global Forum. There’s a “Twitter Wall” outside the demo area featuring a steady stream of tweets about the conference. (The hashtag for this year’s event is #sgf10.) Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer Jim Davis (@Davis_Jim) sent his second-ever
One of the events I look forward to every year is the unveiling of a year’s worth of SAS R&D’s magic. It occurs during the SAS Global Forum Technology Connection. Today’s show was all we could have hoped it would be! We heard from some SAS software, technology and statistics
SAS Vice President of Technical Support Annette Harris announced the features that will be added to SAS software and solutions as voted on by users through the SASware® Ballot. “Jim Goodnight always stresses the importance of listening to you, our users, and to be receptive to your ideas and suggestions,”

Debbie Buck wants to see all of the folks who are attending their first SAS Global Forum here in Seattle, to return again next year. Buck, who will serve as the chair for SAS Global Forum 2011 in Las Vegas, led a “First-timers’ Session” before the main festivities of SAS
It’s the last day before the biggest SAS users gathering of the year. I’ve already gotten my registration packet (registration opened about 3 hours ago) and even mapped out a couple of great spots to eat. Now, that I have time to settle in, I thought I’d send you a
I guess we’ve said it thousands of times in thousands of ways: SAS Global Forum is a meeting place. It’s a great opportunity to discuss SAS software and make connections with others who have similar interests and objectives. I can hear what you’re thinking: In this advanced communications age, many
There was a time when climbing the social and professional ladder meant you had to join the right clubs and shake the right hands. Effective networkers smiled at all of the right jokes, went to this party but not that and handed out business cards like a politician hands out
While at SAS, I hope to get the opportunity to talk with all of the SAS icons. I’ve had the privilege to meet many. Before the SAS winter break, I had the privilege to talk with another: Michael Raithel. At SAS® Global Forum 2010, Raithel will be presenting the Tuesday
Even with more than 45,000 global customer sites, I often hear SAS users say that “SAS” is a small world. Perhaps conferences enhance the feeling: From the moment you get in line to get your conference materials, you start to recognize people from your SAS “family.” An attendee also described
Elisa Priest, a doctoral student in epidemiology at the University of North Texas, was selected as one of nine SAS Student Ambassadors for 2009. She also won the "Best Contributed Paper" in the Statistics Section. Her presentation, Easier Exploratory Analysis for Epidemiology: A Grad Student How-To Paper, was very well
If you aren’t familiar with SAS-L, now’s a good time to take a look at it. It’s another information channel where SAS users go to ask and post answers. At SAS Global Forum 2009, SAS-Lers continued its tradition of honoring those who’ve contributed most significantly during the past year. “There
I had the opportunity to sit in on two presentations yesterday that ran back-to-back and seemed to provide a complementary message to SAS users in government and public service. It gave me the idea to post a few comments on both. Ben Zenick, Doing More with Less Ben Zenick, the
In hopes of adding to your SAS Global Forum experience, we've kicked off a SAS presenters series. Here, we’ve asked some of the SAS presenters five questions to learn more about what makes them tick, why they chose to present and what they hoped you would take away from the
In hopes of adding to your SAS Global Forum experience, we've kicked off a SAS presenters series. Here, we’ve asked some of the SAS presenters five questions to learn more about what makes them tick, why they chose to present and what they hoped you would take away from the
In hopes of adding to your SAS Global Forum experience, we've kicked off a SAS presenters series. Here, we’ve asked some of the SAS presenters five questions to learn more about what makes them tick, why they chose to present and what they hoped you would take away from the