
Angela Hall
Senior Technical Architect

Angela offers tips on using the SAS Business Intelligence solutions. She manages a team of SAS Fraud Framework implementers within the SAS Solutions On-Demand organization. Angela also has co-written two books, 'Building BI using SAS, Content Development Examples' & 'The 50 Keys to Learning SAS Stored Processes'.

Advanced Analytics | Data Visualization
Angela Hall 0
Grabbing the Data Creation Date

The data table creation date is sometimes necessary, say in the footnote of your stored process. Included below is a sample to retrieve this date from the file system. /*Open the dataset*/ %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(; data _null_; /*grab the CRDTE function*/ ddate=%sysfunc(attrn(&dsid;,CRDTE )); /*Format in DDMONYY*/ call symput('ddate', put(ddate, dtdate9.)); run;

Angela Hall 0
Exporting OLAP Cubes

In SP4, you can export OLAP cubes into .xml files. Right click the Cube from SAS OLAP Cube Studio, select 'Export Cube'. This is an appropriate part of a migration strategy through dev-test-production, since they can then be imported through the 'Import Cube' button on the left menubar.

Angela Hall 0
SAS JMP Configurations for Business Intelligence

Three different setups for SAS JMP are listed below. Upwards compatibility (i.e. level 1 to 2) available, downwards less likely (like we know STPs are not). Level 1. SAS JMP and SAS Base installed and licensed on individual desktop/laptop. Level 2. SAS Integration Technologies installed on server, SAS JMP installed

Angela Hall 0
%OMABAKUP vs. Manually Backing up Repository Directory

Pausing and restarting the Metadata Server manually will allow you to take a full copy of the foundation file structure. However, the %OMABAKUP macro does this for you, which reduces the metadata server's downtime. (Yes, do not run a manual pause or stop of the metadata server when executing %OMABAKUP)

Angela Hall 0
SASADM and EG Don't Particularly Like Each Other

Check this out: “IMPORTANT NOTE: You should NEVER use an Unrestricted User (the "unrestricted user" account; for example, the sasadm ID with a "*" prefix in the adminUsers.txt) to log on to any client application except SAS® Management Console. The "unrestricted user" account is intended to be used ONLY as

Angela Hall 0
Password Changes in BI

Included are some resources to help those of you who need to change SAS account passwords on your BI installation. (Notice: This is not for the faint of heart.) (Chapter 5 & specifically pg98-102) Side Note: SAS Technical Support and R&D; have a utility in their 'toolpool'

Angela Hall 0
Forget MDDB to OLAP Migration

There is no good way to migrate MDDBs to V9Cubes. Here is an excerpt from the SAS migration website ( “There is no automated method to convert Version 8 MDDB code to SAS 9.1 OLAP code. PROC MDDB executes in SAS 9.1. However, it creates a Version 8 MDDB that

Angela Hall 0
Happy 2nd Birthday

SAS BI-ogsource is now 2 years old! Hope everyone has enjoyed the content over the years. Please feel free to contact me with feedback, suggestions, or even ideas for new posts! BI Weblog Email Address

Angela Hall 0
MDX Query Optimization with SETS

Overall, query response time dramatically decreases with the use of sets, therefore it is preferred that user selections (or the cube itself) prevents the potential of choosing multiple members within the same dimension. Queries that only included 1 member in the slicer but are still represented as a set are

Angela Hall 0
Promoting Web Report Studio Reports

In order to promote WRS reports through Dev-Test-Prod, the BI Manager provides a good export/import wizard. However the SAME information map is being called for this one WRS report. What if the information map is also being moved through Dev-Test-Prod? Take the .srx export file created for the WRS export,

Angela Hall 0
IE 7 Headaches - Try Firefox

Once you have mistakenly loaded IE 7 and can no longer use the SAS web applications, you'll find that reverting back to IE 6 will take an act of congress. (Really, and you know how slow they are.) Use Firefox and install their IE tab. You can download it from

Angela Hall 0
Suppress Code in STP Logs

Once you move to production, you really dont need all of that STP code in the system right? Here are two quick statements you can use to reduce the amount of logging done. options obs=max nosyntaxcheck; %let SYSCC=0; April 2008 UPDATE: Received a question concerning what is impacted by this

Angela Hall 0
New Enterprise Guide Hotfix

Hotfix 4 was made available in June. Don't forget to load it up. The big one that caused problems for me was: "ALERT - SAS® Enterprise Guide® might delete metadata Login objects, causing other SAS applications to fail "

Angela Hall 0
Password Tricks

By the way if you want to decode a {sas001} encoded password just remove the prefix and feed it into this page:

Angela Hall 0
Anyone already loaded IE 7 before realizing that SAS web applications ...

Might not work as expected? Firefox is supported on some Operating Systems, but not Windows (only IE). For the most part Firefox should work, and we really don’t have another choice since reverting IE back versions I hear is very cumbersome. Here is a link to Firefox 1.5 .

Angela Hall 0
Information Map Viewer Portlet Non-Scroll

Adding a bookmark or data exploration to the Information Map Viewer Portlet in SAS Information Delivery Portal will only display the number of records in your preferences within the data exploration itself. Be careful of novice users not realizing this and just taking the initial screen at face value (har

Angela Hall 0
To WebDav or Not, that is the question.

In SAS Business Intelligence packages (where Information Delivery Portal is not licensed), Xythos is not absolutely necessary. Apache can be setup as a webdav folder for SAS Web Report Studio use in storing shared and personal report metadata. This is a much simpler installation process and you loose no functionality

Angela Hall 0
Editing the Portal Welcome Portlet

Two options to editing the Portal Welcome Portlet: 1. Take the welcome portlet par and change the text 2. Pg 35 of: Never tried this myself though … I usually just log in as sasguest and edit the entire Public Kiosk page. (Removing the Welcome Portlet and adding a

Angela Hall 0
Where oh where is BI Manager?

So you installed SAS v9 BI successfully, but when you download the SAS Management Console on a client site, some of the selections are missing from the menu bar on the left. (For instance, the BI Manager plug-in, a very handy way to manage your BI content.) Never fear, you

Angela Hall 0
Xythos, SAS, and SQL oh my ...

SAS Recently updated the Third Party Software page for SAS equipment ( In order for Xythos to successfully integrate with SAS, if SQL Server is used the database version it must be MS SQL Server 2000. MS SQL Server 2005 is not supported for the integration between Xythos and any

Angela Hall 0
Password Limitations

Special Character problems in passwords continue to cause issues, and many organizations require the use of at least 1 to pass security requirements. Specific ones to stay away from ... @ ... Just today this caused problems in remote connections to Meta Engine Libname. & ... This can affect users

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