In June, my husband and I completed this silly race called Storm the Beach – totally out of my norm, it was only 5 miles :) and included things like climbing, crawling, wading through the ocean, balancing, rope swinging, and running through soft sand. It was nuts, but so fun, and
Mix up your strength training routine with the RFC's Workout of the Month! July's featured equipment is the BOSU. The BOSU was originally created to improve athletic performance, however, it quickly entered mainstream gyms as well as rehab facilities due to it's versatility as a balance, stability, and core strength tool.
Wait? Did you really just read that right? In the land of more – more time, more time, more exercise, more weights, more miles, more workouts, go faster! Push harder! Do MORE! – We need to remember BALANCE is key. More is NOT better when it comes to exercise. Physiologically
Mix up your strength training routine with the RFC's Workout of the Month! April's featured equipment is Resistance Tubing - a great option for both in the gym and "on-the-road" workouts.
Today, I'd like to introduce a new author! Welcome Amy Rockwell to the SAS Life Blog team! Amy shares her passion for the great outdoors with SAS Employees through the RFC's Outdoor Adventure programs. In addition to finding Amy on the trails and teaching and working out at the RFC, she enjoys spending time with
Living in a society where the pressure to succeed is on as early as preschool and time moves so fast it sometimes feels hard to breathe, I’ve found meditation to be cheap therapy for my generally order-driven, perfectionist self. It’s during this time, I quiet the chatter, nurture my spirituality,
The New Year is one of my favorite times at the gym. Fresh, ambitious faces show up in their bright new workout clothes and fancy new shoes. There are gadgets – arm bands, Garmin watches, weight gloves, and the latest water bottles. Classes are full. The pool has a slight
Are you thinking about completing a fall race? Whether it’s a 5K, 10K, or half or full marathon, it’s going to be here before you know it. I’ve been running for years, and I can tell you, there’s nothing like the motivation of signing up for a race to get
I was born in Florida and I like to think I'm a water baby. I love the way water feels so restorative and relaxing when my body needs a break from all the impact I put it through. I also love that swimming and water walking feel so relaxing, yet
A couple weeks ago, I completed my third half ironman (a triathlon consisting of a 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike ride, and 13.1 mile run), and WOW; it was a hard event! I had an awesome race back in October and had high expectations for this race – even
It’s mid-afternoon. You just ate lunch. You were up early with the kids and had 4 back to back meetings today and now you need to mark off a few more items on your “To Do” list before the end of the day, but when you sit down, you’re suddenly
It’s February, so love is in the air (or at least hearts, chocolate, and roses are lining the isles at the grocery store) in the weeks before Valentine’s Day. For the singles in the house, don’t stop here! The stats are in, and according to the , people who have
The RFC is closed during winter break, but don’t miss out on a chance to burn a few of those extra holiday calories with the RFC’s 12 Days of Fitness Workout by Pam Cole! Please check with your health care provider prior to starting a new exercise routine. Photos by Edie
With Turkey Day coming up in a couple days, one thing I know I'm looking forward to is help from my parents, so my husband and I can catch up on some much needed sleep....oh the joys of being parents of little guys! This week, I'm pleased to
Meet Pam Cole, Senior Manager of the Recreation and Fitness Center and this week's contributor to the Inspirations blog. Pam has been at SAS Institute for over 20 years and has worked in fitness for over 25 years. An avid Tarheel fan, Pam graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill with a double major in
Like many strong relationships, Yoga and I did not hit it off right away. I was in college enjoying strenuous exercise. I’d run, take step, and get in some abs all in one day. I was cardio crazy. There was nothing better than heading out on the trails for a
Shades of Pink - Honoring Breast Cancer Awareness Month was written by Celeste Cooper-Peel. Some things you never forget. I remember my mom’s breast cancer diagnosis like it was yesterday. She was only 42. Who would have thought? My mom found the lump herself and although it was cancer, she was
Today, I'd like to introduce Celeste Cooper-Peel, the RFC's Wellness Supervisor. Celeste has been in the health and wellness field for twenty years. After receiving her Masters in Health Education from East Carolina University, she ventured into the mind/body world receiving training in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and Yoga. Shortly after,
If you’re anything like me, you are busy. Busy at work, busy at home, busy on the so-called weekend. It never stops. Even as a fitness professionals, my husband and I are right there with you in the constant struggle to find time to exercise and eat healthfully. Here are
What’s not so great about summer? The post workout shower sweat. You know what I’m talking about. You had a great workout: 3 minute warm up, 40 minutes of sweaty intervals, followed by a 2 minute “cool down” which involved you walking from the gym into the locker room. You
I love summer. I love the sunny days, the sound of the happy birds in the morning, growing tomatoes in my back yard, and playing outside with my family. Beach or mountains – I’m 100% beach. Sunshine or snow? 100% sunshine, palm trees, sand, and the beautiful sound of waves
Welcome. I'm so glad you're here! This topic will feature tips, stories, and fun to help you on your path to wellness. Look for posts on the first and third Wednesday of each month. What is "wellness"? Wellness is defined by the The American Heritage Stedman's Medical Dictionary as the condition