Have you ever heard the phrase “beggars can’t be choosers”? Basically, it means that if you ask for something, be grateful for what you get, especially if you don’t have the means to acquire it yourself. This phrase can be widely applicable to most areas of our lives, but when
Tag: sas studio
The CMS-HCC Risk Adjustment models are used to reimburse Medicare Advantage plans based on the health status of the plans’ members. CMS-HCC Risk Adjustment is the practice of assigning a risk score based on demographics and diagnoses to an individual beneficiary of Medicare for the purpose of calculating an expected cost of care, relative to the average beneficiary. Accurate risk adjustment requires an accurate diagnostic profile of an individual on an annual basis, documenting diagnoses via submitted claims or within a provider's medical record.
Welcome to this blog series on how to install SAS Analytics Pro on Viya on your personal MacBook. In this first post, we introduce what SAS Analytics Pro on Viya is and how to install the software.
This post demonstrates how to rank data and how to place these ranks into roughly equal groups. There are certain variables, such as annual salary, that are highly skewed. There are many who earn between $50,00 and $150,000, but some who earn millions or hundreds of millions of dollars a
In SAS Studio, the ordering of rows and columns in the Table Analysis task are, by default, arranged by the internal ordering of the values used in the table. The table arranges the variables alphabetically or numerically by increasing value. For example, traditional coding uses 1 for Yes and 0
The more I use SAS Studio in the cloud via SAS OnDemand for Academics, the more I like it. To demonstrate how useful the Files tab is, I'm going to show you what happens when you drag a text file, a SAS data set, and a SAS program into the
If you're a SAS Enterprise Guide user who is looking to move to SAS Studio, there is a lot to like about your new coding environment.
While working at the Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, I had access to data on over ten million visits to emergency departments in central New Jersey, including ICD-9 (International Classification of Disease – 9th edition) codes along with some patient demographic data. I also had the ozone level from
The t-test is a very useful test that compares one variable (perhaps blood pressure) between two groups. T-tests are called t-tests because the test results are all based on t-values. T-values are an example of what statisticians call test statistics. A test statistic is a standardized value that is calculated
Learn about best-selling SAS author Ron Cody's programming standards.