Tag: machine learning

Machine Learning | SAS Events
小林 泉 0
SGF2016: Machine Learning関連セッション・論文(ユーザー・パートナー編)

SAS Global Forum 2016のユーザープログラムでの発表論文を、”Machine Learning”というキーワードで検索し、機械学習関連の論文を集めてみました。 SAS Global Forum 2016 Proceedings - Machine Learning 関連のユーザーやパートナーによる講演・論文 Turning Machine Learning Into Actionable Insights 機械学習=意思決定プロセスの自動化     PROC IMSTAT Boosts Knowledge Discovery in Big Databases (KDBD) in a Pharmaceutical Company 日本の塩野義製薬様の機械学習への取り組み Diagnosing Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Using Predictive Analytics Based on Wavelet Analysis in SAS/IML®

Machine Learning | SAS Events
小林 泉 0
SGF2016: Machine Learning関連セッション・論文(SAS社員編)

SAS Global Forum 2016のユーザープログラムでの発表論文を、"Machine Learning"というキーワードで検索し、機械学習関連の論文を集めてみました。 SAS Global Forum 2016 Proceedings - Machine Learning 関連のSAS社員による講演・論文 Best Practices for Machine Learning Applications 機械学習の実践において一般的に遭遇する課題と解決のためのガイドラインを提供します。機械学習について初心者の方は、こちらもご活用ください⇒SASジャパン機械学習ページへ An Efficient Pattern Recognition Approach with Applications BASE SASおよびSAS Enterprise Minerを使用した、教師あり/なしタイプのパターン認識(画像認識)テクニックの紹介。パターン認識に関しては、この発表者の一人、Patrick Hallがウェビナーで他の例で解説しておりますので、そちらもあわせてご覧ください⇒「機械学習とディープ・ラーニング」ウェビナー Mass-Scale, Automated Machine Learning and Model Deployment Using SAS® Factory Miner and SAS® Decision Manager よりマイクロセグメント化するビジネス課題の解決のための自動化された機械学習製品の紹介 Streaming

Machine Learning
Leo Sadovy 0
Neural networks demystified

You’ve likely heard the news that the Google DeepMind “AlphaGo” computer not only beat a human expert at the game of Go, defeating the European Go champion, Fan Hui in five straight games, but also beat the reigning world champion grandmaster, South Korea’s Lee Sedol, 4 games to 1. Go

Machine Learning
Cognitive Computing - Part 1

Is cognitive computing an application of text mining? If you have asked this question, you are not alone. In fact, lately I have heard it quite often. So what is cognitive computing, really? A cognitive computing system, as stated by Dr. John E. Kelly III, is one that has the

Krisa Tailor 0
2016: Revolutionizing the patient experience

Health care is undergoing exponential change, and this year we’ll continue to see the industry launch bold missions to improve the patient experience. With new types of data and technologies, the vision of making health care more personalized and proactive is becoming closer to reality. In my new book “The

Machine Learning
Christina Engelhardt 0
Come chat with us!

In today’s world of instant gratification, consumers want – and expect – immediate answers to their questions. Quite often, that help comes in the form of a live chat session with a customer service agent. The logs from these chats provide a unique analysis opportunity. Like a call center transcript,

Machine Learning
Andrew Pease 0
Towering Insights

The benefits of big data often depend on taming unstructured data. However, in international contexts, customer comments, employee notes, external websites, and the social media labyrinth are not exclusively written in English, or any single language for that matter. The Tower of Babel lives and it is in your unstructured

Machine Learning
Sascha Schubert 0
What’s new with machine learning?

Machine learning is all about automating the development process for analytical models. One way to extend the use of machine learning is to broaden your library of machine learning algorithms. Another way is to scale your machine learning process by reducing the time required to process machine learning algorithms on

Machine Learning
Patrick Hall 0
An introduction to machine learning

Machine learning is moving into the mainstream. Once the sole purview of academic researchers and advanced technology firms, machine learning is now being is used by many companies in more traditional industry verticals. Machine learning uses mathematical (not necessarily statistical) models to learn about data. In this context, learning about

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