Tag: SAS

Learn SAS
Shelly Goodin 0
SAS author's tip: displaying integrity constraints

Kirk Lafler and his book PROC SQL: Beyond the Basics Using SAS are the source of this week's tip. PROC SQL was the very first book that I promoted when joining SAS. Kirk was the perfect first SAS Press author to work with and he remains a favorite. And his book continues to appeal to users--whether they're online or at conferences.

Programming Tips
SAS Jedi 0
Jedi SAS Tricks: FUNC(y) Formats

In the previous episode, we built our own custom SAS function - a masterful trick indeed. Gordon Keener, a developer here at SAS, responded exuberantly "You think that's cool? - try THIS!" and proceeded to demonstrate prodigious powers with the SAS by using a custom function in a custom informat

Students & Educators
Nadja Young 0
Value-added data informing and improving TN Schools of Education

With the rapid changes in our education systems regarding new standards, assessments, accountability and evaluation, teachers are rightfully feeling the pressure of being underprepared. The majority of teachers were not trained or certified with these rigorous systems in place. Recognizing that higher education institutions need to play an active role

Mike Gilliland 0
Are you an Analytic Superhero?

Have you seen this week's news item on "tanning mom" Patricia Krentcil, the New Jersey mother accused of sunburning her young daughter in a tanning booth? Now I'm as big a fan of diversity as the next guy, and lovingly embrace people of every visible color (although I do find House Speaker John Boehner's  orange a

Learn SAS
Shelly Goodin 0
Five reasons to see us at PharmaSUG

Between attending presentations and networking, you should make your way to the SAS Bookstore at PharmaSUG. While there are many reasons to add us to your list, here are the top 5: Save money on our books and documentation. We’re offering a special conference discount to PharmaSUG attendees. Talk to a

New analytics book from Bill Franks

Bill Franks’s new book, Taming the Big Data Tidal Wave: Finding Opportunities in Huge Data Streams with Advanced Analytics, has just released. This book shows how big data is changing the world of analytics; what people, processes, technologies, and mindsets are necessary to succeed in analytics in this new era;

Learn SAS | SAS Events
Shelly Goodin 0
Bookstore reports from SAS Global Forum: day one

Resourceful Publications colleagues shared highlights of day one at SAS Global Forum. SAS documentation, Kindle Fire surveys, SAS students, preview copies, and high-performance analytics top the list: Sean Gargan – Director, SAS Publishing Monday morning musing from the Bookstore at SAS Global Forum... I had the good fortune to meet three enterprising

Learn SAS
Lisa Fine 0
PROC REPORT formatting tips

I’m a SAS user in the Pharmaceutical industry. I switched to the Pharmaceutical industry (from Marketing Research) four years ago and had a lot to learn! I started my new endeavor by purchasing some excellent SAS books, joining my local SAS user group, attending conferences (Michigan SAS User Group, PharmaSUG,

Students & Educators
Nadja Young 0
More than “teaching to the test”: Value-added ROI persists throughout a student’s life

A 23-year Harvard and Columbia University study was recently published shedding new light on the long-term impacts of teachers with both high and low value-added estimates. Researchers Chetty, Friedman, and Rockoff tracked math and reading assessment data on over 2.5 million students from 1989-2009. They then incorporated 90% of these

Vincent Talucci 0
Promises, (over)promises

As public safety officials leaf through their favorite criminal justice periodical they are greeted with pages and pages of analytics advertisements. These ads are laden with promises of robust and scalable solutions, improved efficiencies and, yes, the promise of prediction. While reading the advertisements, the mental conversation may go something

Learn SAS
Lou Metzger 0
There are NO dumb questions

I've heard many questions during my 6 years as Sales Manager for SAS Publishing. I’ve noticed that we frequently get similar questions from customers. I’ve compiled a few of these frequently asked questions below with answers. I hope this helps. Please let us know what information would help you navigate our books. Question: I am

Learn SAS
Shelly Goodin 0
SAS author's tip: writing LSMEANS statements

This week's SAS tip on writing LSMEANS statements comes from the big spring-green book A Step-by-Step Approach to Using SAS for Univariate and Multivariate Statistics, Second Edition. Striking in appearance, this comprehensive guide by professors Norm O'Rourke, Larry Hatcher, and Edward J. Stepanski is a great resource for students, researchers, and data analysts.

Learn SAS
Julie Platt 0
Your opinion counts: SAS eBooks

We just returned from O’Reilly’s Tools of Change conference with renewed excitement around ideas for SAS Press projects! The Tools of Change conference provides a forum through which publishers, authors, and publishing services organizations discuss issues and ideas around transforming the publishing industry from being primarily print-focused to delivering content

Learn SAS
Shelly Goodin 0
SAS author's tip: Alternative ODS destinations

Neil Constable is a Principal Education Consultant at SAS in the United Kingdom, where he applies his extensive knowledge of Base SAS, SAS Enterprise Guide, and the SAS business intelligence tools. He's also the author of SAS Programming for Enterprise Guide Users, Second Edition--and this week's featured tip. You can get to know Neil

Shelly Goodin 0
SAS author's tip: Using text mining in CRM Applications

This week's SAS author's tip comes from Randy Collica and his new book Customer Segmentation and Clustering Using SAS Enterprise Miner, Second Edition. Randy, a Senior Solutions Architect for SAS, is extremely knowledgeable and approachable. In his new book, Randy uses SAS Enterprise Miner and the most commonly available techniques for customer

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