기업내에 AI/ML를 적용하기 위해, 업무 관점에서 시민 데이터 사이언티스트(Citizen Data Scientist, 이하 CDS)와 그 필요 역량인 데이터 문해력(Data Literacy)의 중요성이 높아지고 있습니다.(참고 : 데이터 문해력과 시민 데이터 사이언티스트의 필요 역량) 이와 연결하여, 데이터를 기반으로 신속하게 개발한 예측 모델을 업무 시스템에 통합 또는 활용하기 위해 IT 관점에서 해결해야할 과제와 접근 방안에 대해
Tag: model governance
AI governance is an all-encompassing strategy that establishes oversight, ensures compliance and develops consistent operations and infrastructure within an organization. It also fosters a human-centric culture. This strategy includes specific governance domains such as data governance and model governance, necessary for a unified AI approach. Why AI governance matters The
ModelOps is NOT a one-size-fits-all approach. It's important to identify the appropriate level of sophistication based on both the organization’s current readiness and its current and future business needs. My previous articles on Medium talked about why organizations should choose ModelOps, and how to implement ModelOps using a holistic approach
Could data governance policies for analytics be the foundation for a model governance program?
Model Governance ist nicht die neueste Daumenschraube der EZB, sondern eine Notwendigkeit mit Effizienzpotenzial - Warum Banken bei regulatorischen Anforderungen zum Abwarten neigen – und warum das kein nachhaltiges Vorgehen ist - , habe ich meinem letzten Blogpost beschrieben. Wie aber sieht denn ein sinnvolles Vorgehen aus? Die gute Nachricht
Negli ultimi anni l'uso sempre più diffuso di sofisticati modelli matematici, statistici e deterministici ha consentito alle istituzioni finanziarie di prendere decisioni strategiche, avendo a disposizione un nuovo livello di conoscenza. Nel contempo ha, però, condotto verso una nuova necessità: quantificare, misurare e gestire il rischio legato ai modelli utilizzati.
In just a few short months the European General Data Protection Regulation becomes enforceable. This regulation enshrines in law the rights of EU citizens to have their personal data treated in accordance with their wishes. The regulation applies to any organisation which is processing EU citizens’ data, and the UK