Tag: diabetes

Work & Life at SAS
Insulin Resistance: Understand it. Recognize It.

Millions of people worldwide struggle with a silent blood sugar problem known as insulin resistance. Unfortunately, our fast-paced, high-stress, inactive lifestyles contribute to this unwanted, complex condition. However, insulin resistance can be prevented and sometimes reversed with diet and lifestyle changes. So, what is insulin resistance and how do you

Work & Life at SAS
Cheryl Wheelock 0
Diabetes Alert Day

The American Diabetes Association recognizes March 28, 2017 as Diabetes Alert Day. The intention of this day is to bring awareness to the prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes in America. http://www.diabetes.org/are-you-at-risk/alert-day/ I have a strong family history of type 2 diabetes, which throughout the years has motivated me to learn