Last week, I attended the IALP 2016 conference (20th International Conference on Asian Language Processing) in Taiwan. After the conference, each presenter received a u-disk with all accepted papers in PDF format. So when I got back to Beijing, I began going through the papers to extend my learning. Usually, when
Editor's note: Amanda Farnsworth is Head of Visual Journalism at BBC News and a featured speaker at SAS Global Forum 2017, April 2-5, 2017 in Orlando. My days are spent trying to put the best content we can in front of our loyal, heartland audience, while reaching out to others,
In a previous blog about SAS Studio I’ve briefly introduced the concept of using the Webwork library instead of the default Work. I also suggested, in SAS Global Forum 2016 paper, Deep Dive with SAS Studio into SAS Grid Manager 9.4, to save intermediate results in the Webwork library, because
During a recent customer visit, I was asked how to include a calculated variable within SAS Asset Performance Analytics’ (APA) Root Cause Analysis workflow. This is a simple request. Is there a simple approach to do this? To remind you, in the APA workflow, an ETL Administrator makes a Data
Nearly every organization has to deal with big data, and that often means dealing with big data problems. For some organizations, especially government agencies, addressing these problems provides more than a competitive advantage, it helps them ensure public confidence in their work or meet standards mandated by law. In this
Data virtualization is an agile way to provide virtual views of data from multiple sources without moving the data. Think of data virtualization as an another arrow in your quiver in terms of how you approach combining data from different sources to augment your existing Extract, Transform and Load ETL batch
est plus près de la maison, está más cerca de casa, está mais perto de casa, dichter bij huis, is closer to home, eh! In analytics and statistics, we often talk about sample sizes. The size of the data sets that you analyze are a measure of the amount of
Using the DATASETS procedure, we can easily modify SAS variable attributes such as name, format, informat and label: proc datasets library=libref; modify table_name; format var_name date9.; informat var_name mmddyy10.; label var_name = 'New label'; rename var_name = var_new_name; quit; We cannot, however, modify fixed variable attributes such as variable type
With fall comes cooler weather and, of course, football. Lots of football. Often times there will be two NFL games on that my husband wants to watch at the same time. Instead of flipping back and forth between two television stations, he can watch both games simultaneously, thanks to the
If your SAS Visual Analytics report requirements include linking out to separate reports without the need to pass values, you may want to consider using images to enhance the appearance of your base report. Here are three style examples using images that you can use depending on your report design