I'm excited to curate a series of posts focused on CAS Actions. However, before I dive into details and code, I thought I'd take a moment to lay a foundation for a better understanding of CAS and CAS actions. I'll cover things here at a high level as there's quite
I'm excited to bring a series of posts centered on CAS Actions. The topics in the list below will be covered in posts set to publish in the next few weeks. Please check back often for new releases. CAS Actions and Action Sets - a brief intro - Introduction to the
Unstructured text data is ubiquitous in both business and government and extracting value from it at scale is a common challenge. Organizations that have been around for a while often have vast paper archives. Digitizing these archives does not necessarily make them usable for search and analysis, since documents are
Thousands of SAS users are migrating from SAS University Edition to SAS OnDemand for Academics (ODA). I thought I would share some of my thoughts, having just finished two books using ODA (Getting Started with SAS Programming: Using SAS Studio in the Cloud and A Gentle Introduction to Statistics Using
As an example, when using ordinary least squares regression (OLS), if your response or dependent attribute’s residuals are not normally distributed, your analysis is likely going to be affected and typically not in a good way. The farther away your input data is from normality, the impact on your model
In the past, the COMPRESS function was useful. Since SAS version 9, it has become a blockbuster, and you might not have noticed. The major change was the addition of a new optional parameter called MODIFIERS. The traditional use of the COMPRESS function was to remove blanks or a list
SAS' Ben Yarbrough reveals the four questions to answer and four steps to take as you transition to SAS Viya.
How do you convince decision makers in your enterprise to give a machine learning (ML) project the green light? You might be super excited about machine learning – as many of us are – and might think that this stuff should basically sell itself! The value proposition can seem totally
In my new book, I explain how segmentation and clustering can be accomplished in three ways: coding in SAS, point-and-click in SAS Visual Statistics, and point-and-click in SAS Visual Data Mining and Machine Learning using SAS Model Studio. These three analytical tools allow you to do many diverse types of
I am a long-time SAS 9 Administrator, I feel very confident in my understanding of SAS 9 administration. I will admit I don’t know everything, but I have been administering SAS since the days of SAS 9.1.3. I often tell my students I am a general practitioner when it comes