See how intelligent decisioning and machine learning from SAS and Microsoft help a fictitious banking customer simplify and reduce risk in its home loan portfolio.
Welcome back to my SAS Users blog series CAS Action! - a series on fundamentals. I've broken the series into logical, consumable parts. If you'd like to start by learning a little more about what CAS Actions are, please see CAS Actions and Action Sets - a brief intro. Or
Editor's note: Jack Liu is a member of SAS Analytics Explorers, a SAS community that is dedicated to exploring analytics, sharing knowledge, having fun and helping SAS users in their careers. Members were recently invited to share their analytics journeys, and Jack responded with his impressive story. If you're a
SAS' Leonid Batkhan shows you how to remove ANY leading characters (not just blanks) from text strings to tidy up your data.
SAS and Microsoft are working tirelessly to improve offerings and connectivity between SAS Viya and Microsoft Azure environments across industries.
In Part 1 of my series fetch CAS, fetch!, I executed the fetch CAS action to return rows from a CAS table. That was great, but what can you do with the results? Maybe you want to create a visualization that includes the top five cars by MSRP for all
What happens if you need to edit graph output files from SAS in a different application (for example, Microsoft Word)? It is not recommended that you edit your SAS graph output outside of SAS, but, if you must do so, you need to create your graphics output as EMF (Enhanced Metafile Format) graph output.
In Part I of this blog post, I provided an overview of the approach my team and I took tackling the problem of classifying diverse, messy documents at scale. I shared the details of how we chose to preprocess the data and how we created features from documents of interest
Welcome to my SAS Users blog series CAS Action! - a series on fundamentals. I've broken the series into logical, consumable parts. If you'd like to start by learning a little more about what CAS Actions are, please see CAS Actions and Action Sets - a brief intro. Or if
This post demonstrates how to rank data and how to place these ranks into roughly equal groups. There are certain variables, such as annual salary, that are highly skewed. There are many who earn between $50,00 and $150,000, but some who earn millions or hundreds of millions of dollars a