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Making time to write

Please don’t tell me that you do not have the time to write a book for SAS Press.  I already know that.  You have a lot of things to attend to:  a demanding job, family responsibilities, housework, yard work, shopping, cooking, eating, reading, favorite TV shows, commuting, sports to play,

Learn SAS
Shelly Goodin 0
Five reasons to see us at PharmaSUG

Between attending presentations and networking, you should make your way to the SAS Bookstore at PharmaSUG. While there are many reasons to add us to your list, here are the top 5: Save money on our books and documentation. We’re offering a special conference discount to PharmaSUG attendees. Talk to a

Learn SAS | SAS Events
Shelly Goodin 0
Bookstore reports from SAS Global Forum: day one

Resourceful Publications colleagues shared highlights of day one at SAS Global Forum. SAS documentation, Kindle Fire surveys, SAS students, preview copies, and high-performance analytics top the list: Sean Gargan – Director, SAS Publishing Monday morning musing from the Bookstore at SAS Global Forum... I had the good fortune to meet three enterprising

Learn SAS
Lisa Fine 6
PROC REPORT formatting tips

I’m a SAS user in the Pharmaceutical industry. I switched to the Pharmaceutical industry (from Marketing Research) four years ago and had a lot to learn! I started my new endeavor by purchasing some excellent SAS books, joining my local SAS user group, attending conferences (Michigan SAS User Group, PharmaSUG,

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