Tag: business intelligence

Angela Hall 0
Editing Tasks in a Reopened EG 4.2 Project

In the new SAS Enterprise Guide 4.2 Project, I have found that before making modifications to a reopened project, run the process flow once (or through to that particular point) so the necessary work data table is available. Certain tasks, if opened when the work table doesn't currently exist, will create

Angela Hall 2
Shared Cascading Prompts

I was reviewing some functionality capabilities for a project and came across this scenario. We have two prompts that are cascading (one drives the list available in the second) such as city selection to street selection. I could then share the first one, but not the second. Turns out you

Angela Hall 0
Setting up Public Access in SAS Stored Processes (9.1.3)

What if you would like everyone to be able to run SAS Stored Processes without experiencing the authentication (log-in) screen? 1. You need to change the /SASStoredProcess/Params.config and a web.xml file for SAS 9.1.3. Change the following line _username=$servlet.user.name TO: _username=<Your Shared Account Name> AND THEN ADD the following line:

Angela Hall 0
Navigating the BI Client Tools

(SESUG2009 Paper Preview) As I mentioned so many years ago (check my 2005 post out "The great analogy of SAS BI Products"), SAS offers a wide range of products for various users to get what they need and do what they must do. Due to this, I relate the various

Angela Hall 0
OLAP Cube Developer Access Required in 9.2

For OLAP Cube Developers to gain access to SAS 9.2, two items: 1. Authorizing Access to SAS OLAP Servers from SAS http://support.sas.com/documentation/cdl/en/biasag/61237/HTML/default/a003311504.htm "Users of SAS OLAP Cube Studio need readMetadata and writeMetadata permissions. To read and update the authorizations for SAS OLAP Servers, follow these steps: 1.Open SAS Management Console.

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