Tag: business intelligence

Angela Hall 3
Portal group administration in 9.2

Included are some notes on Portal Administration in SAS 9.2. 1. Create a User Group in SMC, include members and a content administrator to this group. 2. Restart the Web Service or Log into Portal as sasadm@saspw (per documentation: http://support.sas.com/documentation/cdl/en/biwaag/63059/HTML/default/ag_permissiontrees.htm) 3. Configure a group content administrator by opening the 'Group

Angela Hall 0
Reading tweets from twitter via SAS

So you want to grab tweets from twitter? There are several other blog posts to assist, including the SAS blog reference below. Grab the status of one twitter account (changing USERNAME to the twitter handle) via: http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline.xml?screen_name=&USERNAME&count;=3200 Then to help folks get jumpstarted, use the XMLMAP that I created below

Angela Hall 0
Share your information!

As I mentioned earlier this week via Twitter: "Newsalert: You are no longer considered an expert if you hoard all the info to yourself. You MUST share - train/blog/ppr/tweet!" (http://twitter.com/angelahall1/status/7445045263) I have personally experienced subject matter experts who refuse to share the information they learn. They feel they must charge

Angela Hall 3
Modifying SAS account passwords in 9.2

For SAS 9.2 implementations, changing SASADM, SASSRV, and other SAS account passwords has gotten much easier. The SAS 9.2 Deployment Manager Tool (found at /SAS Deployment Manager/9.2/config.exe) can actually be run to complete this task! The section starting with "To update a password with SAS Deployment Manager:" on page: http://support.sas.com/documentation/cdl/en/bisecag/61133/HTML/default/a003071148.htm#a003262956

Angela Hall 5
Searching thru job boards of a SAS world

When you are looking for SAS geared jobs, Monster.com and other main Job Boards are pretty good. However there are niche locations on the web to help you with a SAS specific job search. Included is my initial list: 1. SAS Professionals (http://www.sasprofessionals.net/) 2. I-Crunch Data (http://www.icrunchdata.com/) 3. Linked In Group:

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