Tag: innovation

Jonathan Hornby 0
Sense and Adjust v Optimize and Innovate

Which is better – sense and adjust or optimize and innovate? I believe it’s the latter. More further down. Sense and adjust I read “It makes sense to adjust” in the summer edition of Strategy+business. Basic premise is that business transformation happens faster than ever (due to market events) but

Peter Dorrington 0
When did you stop innovating?

In a thought-provoking keynote speech at The Premier Business Leadership Series in Berlin, Soumitra Dutta asked, "Are we born to innovative?" The answer, according to Dutta and a majority of hands raised in the audience is, Yes. Children, for example, experiment, ask questions, observe and tolerate a high-level of risk,

Faye Merrideth 0
Top 12 ways to spur innovation in tough times

Is innovation being squelched during belt-tightening optimization efforts? If long term benefits aren’t balanced with short term gains, that’s often the case. Passion is quickly extinguished when new ideas meet with budget constraints that can’t be disregarded for the sake of innovation or creativity. It’s time to look at ways

Leo Sadovy 0
Unique business models, but common problems

Twenty-four sessions, twenty-four speakers, twenty-four different topics over just two days, and I didn’t just sit through the convention as a participant, no, I moderated the entire two day event as its Chairman. The Financial Forecasting and Planning Summit, organized by the IE Group, and held at the DoubleTree Mission

Alison Bolen 1
Make innovation your goal for 2009

~ Contributed by Bill Marriott ~ Here we are at the beginning of a New Year. By now most of you have made and a few of you have already broken your personal New Year’s Resolutions. For many of you, this is going to be the year you’re going to

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