
Analytics | Data Management | Data Visualization
Ian Jones 2
No data scientist? No analytics platform? No problem.

“Analytics” and “data scientist” aren’t new terms, but they are trending buzzwords. The popularity of these concepts has created a false impression: Analytics are mysterious abstractions that can only be decoded if you have a white lab coat and an advanced degree in computer science. The reality couldn’t be more different.

Juan Montero 1
How do you feel about analytics?

People say that the world has changed, but I think it'd be more accurate to say that people that have changed the world. Social media, big data, big analytics, internet of things … whether you're an executive, a data scientist, or a student, when you hear these buzzwords, you have

Fraud & Security Intelligence
The Common Reporting Standard: an opportunity and a challenge for tax authorities

Cooperation and information sharing between tax authorities around the world can help ensure that taxpayers pay the right amount of tax to the right jurisdictions. The Common Reporting Standard (CRS) is an agreement between countries in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development to collect and share data from their financial institutions annually. This remarkable achievement

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