
Alison Bolen 0
How we use social media internally at SAS

Does your company have an internal social network, wiki or blog network? We have all three - and more - on the SAS intranet. Karen Lee, Director of Internal Communications at SAS, was recently interviewed by World at Work about the use of social media internally at SAS. In this

7 tips for being more innovative

 Since SAS is known as an innovative company, I jumped at the chance to hear advice from five SAS leaders on how to be more innovative. The following tips come from a recent panel discussion at SAS titled, “What does innovation look like to you?” Innovation is about solving problems,

Stu Bradley 0
Mastering fraud and the 'perfect storm'

As a follow-up to my appearance on CNBC’s, The Call July 22, I feel it is appropriate to comment further on the fraud risks we are seeing across industries due to the continued move online. Karen Tso did a nice job of raising the significant cyber-crime issues we see due to

Thornton May 1
The next frontier of IT value creation

While doing research for my book The New Know: Innovation Powered by Analytics I asked the chieftains of the various corporate tribes roaming the value forest [e.g., finance, HR, marketing, operations, IT, and legal] two framing questions: What/how did they feel about themselves and the future trajectory of their discipline.

Ross Kaplan 0
The holy grail of pre-pay health care fraud

Everyone within the health care community recognizes that the traditional ‘pay-and-chase’ model for fraud cost reduction has some serious limitations.  Recovery of the lost funds is in some cases a mere single digit percentage point (with some exceptions – but not many) of the moneys paid.  And the effort and

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