
Data Management
Kelly Levoyer 0
What's the news?

The Premier Business Leadership Series in Orlando was the backdrop for a number of news announcements from SAS. Here's a rundown: 1. Big Data research A new survey has found that organizations with formal data management strategies derive more value from data assets and outperform competitors. The survey, Big Data:

Alison Bolen 0
What technologies are CEOs looking at today?

When you can get three succesful corporate leaders on stage to talk at a technology conference, what do you ask them about? Corporate culture, the economy and business leadership, sure - but most importantly, you talk about technology. Specifically, what technologies should businesses be taking advantage of today? Mobile, social

Kelly Levoyer 0
General Colin Powell: "Everyone is valuable"

Former Secretary of State General Colin Powell might have a distinguished set of credentials – former Secretary of State and National Security Adviser, four-star general, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff – but at his core, he’s a great storyteller. As the keynote speaker for The Premier Business

Kelly Levoyer 0
T-Mobile fights back with customer link analysis

  Using social network analysis to predict churn is a hot topic at Analytics2011 and The Premier Business Leadership Series. Bart Baesens presented the academic perspective on the subject at Analytics2011, while down the hall one telco executive shared the story of his company’s efforts to apply the same technology

Mike Nemecek 0
We few, we happy few ...

We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he to-day that sheds his blood with me Shall be my brother; … These lines are from the famous St. Crispin’s Day speech of Shakespeare’s historical play Henry V. King Henry V of England motivated his troops before the Battle

Alison Bolen 2
Using social network analysis to predict churn

Traditional churn models - designed to predict whether or not customers will cancel your company's services -  treat customers as isolated entities. But individual customers are not isolated entities. Rather, customers are influenced by friends, friends of friends, and others within their network. Bart Baesens, PhD, an Associate Professor at

Kelly Levoyer 0
Procter & Gamble's Pixel Room dedicates space for analytics

There’s no shortage at SAS’ analytics conference A2011 of discussions around statistical modeling and optimization techniques. Kevin Norwood from Procter & Gamble, for example, discussed his company’s use of clustering, optimization and data visualization to answer questions like, “How do we reformulate our detergents when faced with an ingredient shortage?

Malene Haxholdt 0
The softer side of analytics

Walking around the A2011 conference in Orlando I find myself surrounded by analytical talent--and I wonder, do all of these people know how important and valuable they truly are? Gene Grabowski Jr. from Ford Motor Credit and Denise McManus of the University of Alabama confirmed for me that what is truly critical to gaining a

Alison Bolen 1
Analytics then and now

Big data problems are not new, says Vijitha Kaduwela, founder and CEO of Kavi Associates, an analytic consulting firm. The first case in point that Vijitha referenced in his talk yesterday at Analytics 2011 is a revenue generation model that he developed for United Airlines when he worked there 15 years ago.

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