
Karen Lee 0
Happy "Love the Hub" Day!

For people around the world, Valentine’s Day is an annual celebration of romantic love.  But, for those of us at SAS, Feb. 14 has the added significance of being “Love-the-Hub Day.” My last post described the Hub as our internal social networking platform and one of the many reasons why we

Data Management
Annette Marett 2
SAS loves stats: Marc Huber

If you’ve got a few minutes to chat with Marc Huber, don’t miss the opportunity. He has an interesting take on the human side of statistics.  As a senior analytical training consultant for SAS, he combines an impressive background in psychology with a passion for math to teach customers around the

Ross Kaplan 0
Health care fraud and the promise of predictive modeling

It has become clear after speaking with numerous health insurance carriers, both in the United States and beyond, as well as at conferences (such as NHCAA), that there is a mass movement towards the nirvana that is "predictive modeling." Now that our industry is realizing the importance of predictive modeling

Paul Kent 0
5 ways to tackle big data and maintain brand loyalty

I recently shared with you my 2013 industry predictions.   With the anticipated increase in streaming data,  social data, big data BI and analytics and the growing focus on Hadoop clusters, one thing is certain:  big data is here to stay.   Knowing how to best tackle that data while maintaining brand

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