
Annette Marett 1
SAS loves stats: George Fernandez

An analytical training consultant for SAS, George brings over three decades of experience to his teaching position– along with the fresh perspective and enthusiasm of just joining the SAS family two years ago. He was doing stats before pocket calculators were invented (literally!) and still manages to stay one step

Alison Bolen 0
Leadership quotes worth sharing

The SAS workplace culture has been studied by academics, covered in prominent business magazines and honored with countless workplace awards. Some credit the onsite daycare, the free M&Ms or the private offices for most employees. But SAS CEO Jim Goodnight can summarize his leadership methods in a few simple words. We've

Cindy Etsell 0
A mixed bag: What's in store for retail in 2013?

For 2013, SAS and Verdict research have once again worked together to provide a glimpse of what we think is in store for UK retail over the months ahead. WINNERS: We see larger growth in food retail (2.9 percent) compared to non-food retail (0.8 percent) - but this is being

Alison Bolen 0
The CEO's favorite visual analytics features

"What do you do when you first get a data set that's a billion rows long?" asks SAS CEO Jim Goodnight. "You want to play around with it."  At dozens of SAS events over the last year, audience attendees have watched Goodnight do just that, quickly grabbing 1.15 billion records, selecting

Data Management | Data Visualization
Vincent Cotte 1
Overcoming the Top Four Challenges to More Effective Decision Making With Data Visualisation

Our recent innovations into Data Visualisation have led us to be inundated and involved in lots of conversations with customers and prospects looking to benefit from the marriage of advanced analytics, visualisation, data management and simplicity. Greg and Minh delved into the benefits that this marriage can yield and why data visualisation should form an

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