Search Results: modern (405)

Advanced Analytics | Machine Learning
Charlie Chase 3
Is demand sensing and shaping a key component of your company’s digital supply chain transformation?

Depending on who you speak with you will get varying definitions and opinions regarding demand sensing and shaping from sensing short-range replenishment based on sales orders to manual blending of point-of-sales (POS) data and shipments.        Most companies think that they are sensing demand when in fact they are

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
Mary Beth Moore 2
Embracing analytics: A path forward for the intelligence community

The intelligence community needs to revamp its approach to analytics -- and that means creating an analytics strategy that will change the status quo. The challenges facing analysts are consistent throughout the strategic, operational and tactical levels of intelligence operations. The intelligence cycle (see diagram below) is a great teaching

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Data Management | Machine Learning
Charlie Chase 4
At the end of the day, it’s all about analytics-driven forecasting

Analytics-driven forecasting means more than measuring trend and seasonality. It includes all categories of methods (e.g. exponential smoothing, dynamic regression, ARIMA, ARIMA(X), unobserved component models, and more), including artificial intelligence, but not necessarily deep learning algorithms. That said, deep learning algorithms like neural networks can also be used for demand forecasting,

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