Search Results: Internet of things (253)

Alison Bolen 0
Technologies for the future: yes or no

When I started college 25 years ago, we didn’t use email. I moved into the dorms my freshman year with a Brother Word Processor, convinced I would never have a single computing need beyond the necessity to type, save and print text. It’s incredible to consider how wrong I was.

Jake Porway 0
Data science doing good

We’re living in revolutionary times. Nearly every interaction that occurs between our world and each other now occurs with a digital interface like a laptop, a cellphone or a FitBit. This digitization represents a paradigm shift in the way we’re instrumenting our world and the new bottom-up, democratized manner in

Tom Morse 0
Big Data… What it means to you

From time-to-time marketers, journalist, and thought leaders find ways to describe things in a new way.  It’s a time-honored tradition guaranteed to attract eyeballs and sell books.  Lately there has been a lot of buzz about the Internet of X, a way of describing a uniquely identifiable collection of objects

Kim Darnofall 0
SAS loves stats: Richard Zink

Richard Zink’s desire to win strategy board games like Axis and Allies and Fortress America in college got him started on the path to a career in statistics. “I wanted to better understand the rules of probability to make me a better player,” recalled Zink, a Principal Research Statistician Developer in

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