Search Results: Internet of things (253)

Stuart Rose 0
Can I Quote You on That? - 2014 in review

Earlier this year, I was speaking with an insurance executive and he said something that turned out to be my favorite quote of 2014: “Premium revenue is like heroin.” While this seems like an unlikely analogy  or simile?. The point this executive was trying to make an interesting argument.  Insurance

Internet of Things
Tom Morse 0
An IoT-connected Christmas

As 2014 slowly winds down it’s time to gear up for the holiday shopping rush. As in recent years the Consumer Electronics Association reports tech gifts will again be high on everyone’s list this holiday shopping season. A new addition to the list this year are numerous Internet of Things

Andrew Pease 0
The audacity of big analytics

Big data is already dead!!! Long live big analytics! In good writing, apparently, someone needs to die in the first line and big data is a sensational, front-page victim. Some trends indicate that the “big data hype” has already peaked. Regardless of whether this is true and a post-hype hangover

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