Personalization has become the cornerstone of the customer journey. It’s the difference between a one-size-fits-all approach and a tailored experience that resonates on a personal level.

These three organizations are mastering the art of delivering exceptional customer experiences with SAS® Customer Intelligence 360.

The Nature Conservancy: Improving donor communications

The Nature Conservancy is an environmental organization that protects lands and waters worldwide. As a nonprofit, it depends heavily on donations to achieve its conservation goals.

Learn more about SAS and The Nature Conservancy

The Nature Conservancy decided to bring all its data management in-house. Katherine Bowen, Director of Marketing Automation and Journey Management, knew it was essential to have all the data in one place. “Bringing all our data together in one place was critical. It was in a lot of disparate locations that didn’t talk to each other very easily. We also needed to have the transparency and understanding internally of all our data so we could shift our mindset to be more flexible and continue to move toward audience-first strategies.”

The Nature Conservancy uses SAS Customer Intelligence 360 to craft a better customer experience for donors. With a customer data platform to deliver real-time data, the organization was able to greatly reduce cycle times. Bowen says, “We went from having gaps of up to a week in data that we were using for segmentation and selection to now going just 24 hours, sometimes even less for specific use cases.”

Having real-time data from the customer data platform also helps The Nature Conservancy deliver personalized communications to its donors. According to Bowen, “The personalization through SAS Customer Intelligence 360 has become significantly more consistent from a donor experience side. Now that we have all of our data in one place, we know that we’re communicating to an individual constituent and we’re always addressing them in the same way, regardless of channel or touch point. And that’s been a significant benefit of having SAS Customer Intelligence 360.”

The personalized communications to donors have paid off for The Nature Conservancy. “Since we launched five years ago, we’ve seen great results. Over that time period, we’ve seen a 10% increase in our donor retention rate. Plus, our donor-giving levels year over year have increased by 30%,” notes Bowen. She adds, “SAS has also been an amazing partner as we’ve been identifying new needs on the business side and identifying areas where they might be able to support those needs.”

Telefónica: Putting customers at the center of everything

Telefónica is a global telecom company with a presence in 12 countries. The telco market is very mature, so revenue growth is decreasing. To combat this problem and gain a competitive advantage, Telefónica needed to differentiate itself by offering better customer personalization.

The organization implemented SAS Customer Intelligence 360 to help solve its challenges. Myriam Porras, Chief Analytics Officer for Telefónica Hispam, says, “We had to modernize our campaign manager. We had to make campaigns in the digital world and needed better personalization. We took a lot of time to develop campaigns, then sent them through all channels at the same time.”

She adds, “SAS Customer Intelligence helped us develop multichannel customer journeys so we could create use cases for the web and our mobile app. We can now offer recommendations to our clients for better personalization and fewer abandoned carts.”

Telefónica is also building a customer data platform that will help it deliver personalized offers to customers by combining data from the digital and non-digital worlds. This integration enriches its analytical models and campaigns, leading to improved and highly personalized customer communications.

“SAS Customer Intelligence 360 allows us to put our customers at the center of everything so we get to know them better and suggest more relevant offers. It helps us take the holistic approach that we need to speak to customers in a more informed manner,” says Porras.

“SAS Customer Intelligence helped us develop multichannel customer journeys so we could create use cases for the web and our mobile app. We can now offer recommendations to our clients for better personalization and fewer abandoned carts.”
Myriam Porras, Chief Analytics Officer for Telefónica Hispam

Since implementing SAS Customer Intelligence 360, Telefónica has realized many positive results. Porras notes, “We have increased our conversion rates, improved our net promoter score and lowered costs because we now send targeted communications instead of sending the same campaign to every channel.”

Looking ahead, Telefónica aims to integrate artificial intelligence to further enhance personalization and communication with its customers.

Jyske Bank: Delivering frequent, relevant customer communications

Jyske Bank is the second-largest bank in Denmark and serves 650,000 customers, with product lines ranging anywhere from mortgages to investments.

The bank turned to SAS Customer Intelligence 360 to balance delivering good customer experiences while keeping up with increasing financial regulations. Tom Palving, Center of Excellence Lead for Digital Communication and Sales Loyalty, notes that “One of the things we saw was that we need to communicate more to our customers and we need to be more relevant in those communications.”

Learn more about the work Jyske Bank is doing with SAS

Jyske Bank uses SAS Customer Intelligence 360 to deliver personalized, individual recommendations and explanations to customers. Palving explains, “So we’re not just selling a product, but also giving insights to customers and sometimes trying to explain why we do certain things so that the customer understands there is a reason why we’re doing it. And we’re doing all of it in SAS Customer Intelligence 360 so we can track our customer communications.”

The bank has shifted from running many campaigns to implementing “always-on” trigger-based communications, which activate when a customer interacts with certain web pages or transactions. This has resulted in more frequent and relevant communications for individual customers. “We are communicating much more to our customers on an individual basis with more relevant information. In the old days, we would just send a broadcast message that went to at least 10,000 customers,” notes Palving.

Palving states that the ability to gather behavioral data is one of the most valuable aspects of implementing SAS Customer Intelligence 360. In addition, he says, “We can communicate across a lot of channels and keep track of what we have, what we have said, but also what the customer has or has not shown interest in across those channels.”

Learn more about how SAS Customer Intelligence 360 delivers a modern, multichannel marketing hub that takes your personalization to the next level.


About Author

Amy Dyson

Amy Dyson is a member of the Thought Leadership, Editorial and Content team. She writes and edits marketing collateral, such as white papers, e-books and blogs.

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