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Ashley Beck

After working on child sexual exploitation online investigations, I live and breathe to build technology to support CSE investigations.

Ashley joined SAS in 2022 to help develop CSE solutions for law enforcement and is an active board member of Scottish women’s forums for policing, technology, diversity and inclusion. Before SAS, Ashley was a police officer for 18 years. During her time, she implemented a highly specialized cyber training academy to support officers in UK law enforcement. This training teaches an understanding of digital evidence and the explanation of it in judicial settings. Ashley has been dedicated to investigations for years and supports the development of technology that enables officers to protect children faster while ensuring officer well-being.

Having professional and academic IT and data training, as well as being an experienced investigator, has positioned Ashley in an optimal place to add value. She investigates complex online child sexual exploitation activity using technology that helps identify risk and prioritize actions designed to protect children. Ashley is a mother of twins who are incredibly proud that she has so much passion and dedication to making the world safer for children online and in real life.


About Author

Ellen Joyner-Roberson, CFE

Global Marketing Advisor

Ellen Joyner-Roberson, CFE, is Global Marketing Advisor at SAS where she defines industry strategy and messaging for the global fraud and security markets in banking, insurance, health care and government. With more than thirty years of experience in information technology, she helps clients capitalize on the power of analytics to combat fraud and keep the public safe. This includes bringing greater awareness of how to apply machine learning and AI to detect evolving fraud tactics, while realizing ROI in technology investments. In addition, she consults with clients to reduce fraud losses and mitigate risk across their enterprise. Joyner-Roberson graduated from Sweet Brier College with a degree in Math and Computer Science. Most recently, Ellen has brought to market our Intelligence and Law Enforcement solution called SAS® Intelligence and Investigation Management and a cross industry solution focused on procurement integrity.

1 Comment

  1. Love this and love how many women are involved in getting it right and getting it to market @ashleybeck is doing a marvellous job rallying the troops - #gogirls 🙂

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