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These women have dedicated their time and energy to keeping children safe. Each has brought a unique set of talents and skills that help the internet to be a little bit safer each day. We all owe a big thank you to everyone who has worked on this project. We continue to pursue the goal of creating a better, safer future.

To learn more about how SAS is helping law enforcement, check out law enforcement solutions from SAS.

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About Author

Ellen Joyner-Roberson, CFE

Global Marketing Advisor

Ellen Joyner-Roberson, CFE, is Global Marketing Advisor at SAS where she defines industry strategy and messaging for the global fraud and security markets in banking, insurance, health care and government. With more than thirty years of experience in information technology, she helps clients capitalize on the power of analytics to combat fraud and keep the public safe. This includes bringing greater awareness of how to apply machine learning and AI to detect evolving fraud tactics, while realizing ROI in technology investments. In addition, she consults with clients to reduce fraud losses and mitigate risk across their enterprise. Joyner-Roberson graduated from Sweet Brier College with a degree in Math and Computer Science. Most recently, Ellen has brought to market our Intelligence and Law Enforcement solution called SAS® Intelligence and Investigation Management and a cross industry solution focused on procurement integrity.

1 Comment

  1. Love this and love how many women are involved in getting it right and getting it to market @ashleybeck is doing a marvellous job rallying the troops - #gogirls 🙂

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