Remaining resilient: Our 2023 analytics predictions

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In 2023, we will continue to see organizations move away from traditional data warehousing to storage options that support analyzing and reacting to data in real time. Organizations will lean into processing data as it becomes available and storing it in a user-friendly format for reporting purposes. Whether a manufacturer monitors streaming IoT data from machinery or a retailer monitors e-commerce traffic, identifying real-time trends will help avoid costly mistakes and capitalize on opportunities when they present themselves.
Real-time data storage replaces the data warehouse
"In 2023, we will continue to see organizations move away from traditional data warehousing to storage options that support analyzing and reacting to data in real time. Organizations will lean into processing data as it becomes available and storing it in a user-friendly format for reporting purposes. Whether a manufacturer monitors streaming IoT data from machinery or a retailer monitors e-commerce traffic, identifying real-time trends will help avoid costly mistakes and capitalize on opportunities when they present themselves." - Jay Upchurch, Chief Information Officer

SAS Event Stream Processing: Analyze streaming data, uncover hidden insights with AI and make real-time intelligence decisions Internet of Things: What is it and why it matters

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About Author

Caslee Sims

I'm Caslee Sims, writer and editor for SAS Blogs. I gravitate toward spaces of creativity, collaboration and community. Whether it be in front of the camera, producing stories, writing them, sharing or retweeting them, I enjoy the art of storytelling. I share interests in sports, tech, music, pop culture among others.

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