
Jonathan Hornby 0
Top 2 commandments of analytics

Interesting article in this quarters sascom magazine by Jeff Ma – the guy behind “bringing down the house” and the movie “21”. After explaining how he felt the power of analytics and statistics was not unlike believing in God, he shared 2 stories where that faith was put to the

Rachel Alt-Simmons 0
Feeling lonely? Hug a SUG!!

If I think back to the training, education and networking opportunities in my business intelligence and analytics career that have made the most difference, SAS user groups (SUG) stand out. As a new user to SAS many moons ago local, regional and international groups helped me develop skills that I

SAS Events
Viji Iyer 0
Introducing the series!

Appetizers usually play a significant role in ensuring a good restaurant experience…right? A good appetizer whets your appetite and gets you psyched and excited for the main course! This series of blog posts aims to do just that…whet your appetite for what’s in store at SAS Global Forum. In the

Advanced Analytics
Rick Wicklin 0
When sharks attack!

The Junk Chart blog discusses problems with a chart which (poorly) presents statistics on the prevalence of shark attacks by different species. Here is the same data presented by overlaying two bar charts by using the SGPLOT procedure. I think this approach works well because the number of deaths is

Waynette Tubbs 0
Rick Langston has SASonality

This is the fifth post in the SASonality series. In this week’s post, I’ve interviewed Rick Langston, a man most SAS users have met or read about. He’s been with SAS for 30 years and attended nearly every SUGI/SAS Global Forum. In the photo at the right, Rick is the

Advanced Analytics
Mike Gilliland 0
In Defense of Outliers

If outliers could scream, would we be so cavalier about removing them from our history, and excluding them from our statistical forecasting models? Well, maybe we would – if they screamed all the time, and for no good reason. (This sentiment is adapted from my favorite of the many Deep

Rachel Alt-Simmons 0
The soul of analytics redux!

A few days ago, I wrote a post on the "soul" of analytics - basically the careful balance we need to keep between qualitative and quantitative decision-making. I asked others to post their experiences and perspective, and I was fortunate enough to begin a "dia-blog" with Colonel Jim Markley, Director

Chris Hemedinger 0
This list goes to 11

It's almost 2011, so let's reflect on the top 11 posts (by number of visits in 2010) on this blog. Not all of these posts were written in 2010; in fact, some of these date back to 2007. But apparently they are oldies and goodies. 1. SAS 9.2 and SAS

Michael Smith 0
Happy Holidays!

This is the week that I’m supposed to clean up my office (I won’t.), and things are supposed to slow down (They have a little.). Some folks are still here physically at work, but I think that their hearts and minds are elsewhere! Most everyone is in the mood for

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