DataOps increases the productivity of AI practitioners by automating data analytics pipelines and speeding up the process of moving from ideas to innovations. DataOps best practices make raw data polished and useful for building AI models. Models need to work on the data that is introduced, as well as on
Data science teams are no longer comprised of tiny groups of Ph.D. holders exploring cutting-edge projects. Organizations that wish to stay competitive in their marketplaces today need effective data science teams. A strategy to effectively apply advanced analytics and data science to drive better products, services and decisions has many
At governmental and policy level, there is increasing talk about the importance of climate change, and the need to act quickly. There appears to be growing understanding that everyone needs to act. Corporate reporting on environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues has expanded rapidly in the last couple of years,
Das Jahr 2022 neigt sich dem Ende zu. Es war geprägt von zahlreichen bewegenden Momenten und Ereignissen. In Folge kam es zu teilweise gravierenden Veränderungen, die noch bis vor kurzem für Politik und Gesellschaft undenkbar waren. Aber auch an den internationalen Finanzmärkten haben veränderte Risikoeinschätzungen „der Zeitenwende 2022“ ihren Abdruck
W poprzednim artykule wspominałem, że niezbędnym elementem koncepcji hiper-personalizacji komunikacji z klientami jest analityka. Gdy umiemy już zbierać i identyfikować kluczowe wydarzenia w życiu klienta, a także mamy gotowe repozytorium reakcji na te sygnały, potrzebujemy mechanizmu, który podejmie decyzję komu, kiedy i jaką ofertę zakomunikować, w jaki sposób i w
Change is one of the few constants in our fast-moving world. Organisations must respond rapidly and effectively to changes in their environment, including among their customers. Being able to address new problems and issues, especially at speed, means that innovation is now essential for companies to survive and thrive. However,
From rising operating costs to wage inflation, business leaders are facing challenges on an unprecedented scale. For small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in particular, this is driving the need for more in-depth data gathering, understanding and insight generation to inform smarter decision making and identify cost-saving opportunities. Some might remember
The role of Chief Operating Officer (COO) is interesting. It’s a relatively new role—and there is also relatively little consensus about the job description. In some organisations, the COO is the de facto deputy CEO. They have their fingers in most pies, from operational to strategic initiatives. In others, the
In the public sector, agencies and organizations are increasingly using analytics to prioritize and plan their activities. In a sector characterized by the need to get value for money for the public, and often with limited resources, using data-driven work processes is essential. The NVWA, Dutch Food and Consumer Product
Many EU institutions are discovering the benefits of analytics to support policy decisions. But ultimately, no one has more potential to enrich output quality than policymakers themselves. Therefore, the entire organization must understand AI and analytics well. We call this the democratization of AI, bringing together the ideas of data