
Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Risk Management
Paul Ridge 0
A risk worth taking: Making data a company’s best friend, not its most costly mistake

Within both the business world and our personal lives, data is becoming increasingly intrinsic to everything we do. Whether it’s picking which restaurant to order from, a tailored advert or figuring out the quickest route home, data is a part of our everyday decision making. For businesses, the value of

Advanced Analytics | Machine Learning
David Ferguson 0
Collections optimisation: survive the oncoming storm of bad debt and protect vulnerable customers

Economists and forecasters have painted a gloomy picture of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on UK society. The impact of lockdowns and travel restrictions on many sectors of the economy was expected to put businesses at risk and pull millions of families into financial hardship. In the energy and

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Internet of Things
Fadi Glor 0
Dummy's Guide to Predictive Maintenance

Beloved Dummies: Let’s demystify another #AI-hype today: predictive maintenance. Yet another one of these buzzwords that require batteries of #DataScientists and truckloads of programmers. Let me show you how Dummies like you and me can address this. What is predictive maintenance? So we’re talking maintenance of machinery. Sure, you can

Analytics | Customer Intelligence
Os dados como meio para tomar decisiões e melhorar a experiência do cliente

Frequentemente ouvimos falar de transformação digital e digitalização. O certo é que, entre ser uma empresa digital e ser uma entidade que toma decisões cem por cento baseadas em dados e em conhecimento empírico, há um longo caminho a percorrer, principalmente se não contarmos com as ferramentas adequadas. Por mais

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