
Jonas Munk 0
A process for executing an omni-channel strategy

One of the central marketing concepts for most companies across industries in recent time is omni-channel marketing. The main idea is to ensure a consistent and comprehensive customer experience across all points of interactions, regardless of time, place and context. Appealing as the thought might be, most companies struggle with

Søren Borg 0
Offentlig digitalisering trænger til et visionsløft

SAS Institutes eksperter svarer jævnligt på spørgsmål om aktuelle emner i Morgenavisen Jyllandsposten. Her er det Lars E. Berthelsen, som er direktør for Public divisionen Hvad er essensen af den nuværende offentlige digitaliseringsstrategi? Den fællesoffentlige digitaliseringsstrategi for 2011-2015 har tre overordnede hovedtemaer, der har til formål at forny og effektivisere

Jonas Munk 0
5 fokusområder for forbedret borgerinteraktion  

I min dialog med offentlige styrelser oplever jeg et stigende behov for at arbejde med processer omkring borgerinteraktion. Formålet er både at skabe øget tilfredshed og samtidig også at blive mere effektive. En af hovedudfordringerne er, at man som institution skal sikre, at de interne menneskelige og digitale ressourcer prioriteres

Jonas Munk 1
Agile Marketing for increasing market dynamics

What would you do if you discovered that a completely new type of player entered your market with a ground-breaking approach? This is a situation that almost every industry faces at some point. To mention a couple of examples: The Nordic IT start-up Skype challenged telco’s bread-and-butter telephony together with

Jonas Munk 0
Marketing is embracing digitalization and analytics

I recently read a very interesting article from McKinsey: The seven habits of highly effective digital enterprises. One of the most interesting areas successful companies are focusing on is customer centricity.  It comes more and more into play as higher customer demands are pressuring traditional value chains. Marketers in several

Ann Dupont 0
Let’s use Analytics to Beat Cancer

A couple of months ago, I discovered that SAS Institute offers free software for an initiative where data are shared to accelerate cancer research. As a SAS employee, this information made me very proud. I work for a company that makes software available for an initiative, in which we all

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