In a recent Q&A session, SAS Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Technology Officer Oliver Schabenberger mentioned a thought-provoking concept. When learning (new) information, you should be able to convey it to three different people: a “newbie” (someone who has never heard of the information before), an expert (someone
Whether your organisation can become data-driven, and to what extent, will be an important factor in its eventual success. Using analytics to drive competitive advantage can make a big difference, but there are a number of things you will need to keep in mind when doing so. 1.You must work
Our recent study on enterprise readiness for AI pointed to much work ahead on the underlying analytics platform that could drive progress. But who are the stakeholders for the analytics platform, and how do they relate to each other? I caught up with Klaus Fabits, Sr Director, Pre-Sales Support, SAS
Vent’anni fa era Internet. Oggi sono gli Analytics a rivoluzionare la nostra vita e la società in ogni suo aspetto. Si parla già, infatti, di Analytics Economy: una nuova era basata sui dati e caratterizzata dall’impatto predominante dell’Artificial Intelligence. Ogni ambito della nostra vita sarà interessato da questo cambiamento rivoluzionario,
"OH, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet" When Rudyard Kipling published his famous “The Ballad of East and West” in 1889 , he probably wasn’t thinking of the Marketing and the Network departments of a telecom operator. Yet this telco twain, too, hardly meets. Locked
At the World Pharma Pricing and Market Access conference in London next month, I will deliver a presentation titled, “Next Generation Launch Sequencing.” But, what does that really mean? It’s much more than marketing hype, and in my talk, I will explore in detail the three factors that define a
Company vision and mission statements relating to customers often tend to be similar. They use the same phrases, and the meaning boils down to: “We want to put the customer at the center and offer him a positive customer experience.” Excellent! But. This 1) is nothing new and 2) sounds
Telecommunications providers and their ecosystem partners have been using analytics in numerous operational process for decades. When we gathered leading players in the Middle East and Eastern Europe Region for an exchange, what emerged is how critical enterprise-wide analytics is becoming.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is changing how we work, how we live, how we get value from our belongings and assets, and even how government and society function. And the connectivity layer for the IoT is usually provided by the telecommunications system, which means it will consequently become part
É uma das profissões do futuro: cientistas de dados. E, acredite ou não, pode ter algumas dessas pessoas a trabalhar, hoje, na sua organização. São pessoas com um perfil muito específico. Curiosas, analíticas, determinadas e aventureiras. Pessoas que tendem a pesquisar meios de se tornarem a si mesmos e ao