If the big banks won’t help when times are tough, customers will turn to smaller, simpler providers. And once they’ve switched, banks will struggle to win them back. I’ve written before about how banks are an essential part of the UK’s social fabric. Our economy depends on the availability of
Following on from my last blog introducing the series, in this section, we’ll take a first look at Explanatory Data Analysis with basic summary statistics. Getting started with a new dataset in analytics can be daunting. It can help when first looking at a dataset to start with basic summary
Frequentemente ouvimos falar de transformação digital e digitalização. O certo é que, entre ser uma empresa digital e ser uma entidade que toma decisões cem por cento baseadas em dados e em conhecimento empírico, há um longo caminho a percorrer, principalmente se não contarmos com as ferramentas adequadas. Por mais
Following on from my introductory blog series, Data Science in the Wild, we’re going to start delving into how you can scale up and industrialise your Analytics with SAS Viya. In future blogs we will look at how you can augment your R & Python code to leverage SAS Viya
I’ve written before about how the COVID-19 crisis has forced UK government departments to accelerate their digital transformation, and proved that it’s possible to put policy into practice in weeks, rather than months or years. Amidst the dark cloud of the pandemic, it’s important to acknowledge silver linings where we
Vivemos num mundo cada vez mais digital e trabalhamos, igualmente, em organizações cada vez mais digitais. Isto traduz-se em inúmeras mais-valias que culminam em processos mais rápidos, eficazes e assertivos (e que facilitam efetivamente o dia-a-dia dos colaboradores), mas a verdade é que também coloca as organizações num grau de
Our key workers deserve more than just a round of applause — so why do we still expect the people who have the least to pay the most for banking services? To most people, social justice and the banking sector probably seem like strange bedfellows. Over the past couple of
“We live in disruptive times… where the only constant is a change” – this statement seems very accurate to the situation we face today. The funny thing is that this is a quote from an ancient philosopher Heraclitus of Efez, who had said it almost 2500 years ago! The “new
Comment parvenir à diminuer ses temps de réponse lorsque des situations imprévues surviennent ? Comment tenir compte des grandes étapes vécues par les clients, qu’ils soient particuliers ou entreprises ? En centralisant la donnée, en approfondissant sa connaissance client et en misant résolument sur le temps réel. Que ce soit lors
Aimez-vous rêver ? Moi oui et, pour être honnête, je rêve assez souvent. Aujourd'hui je vais vous parler de la banque de mes rêves. Je sais que le sujet est étrange mais pourquoi pas. Alors, à quoi ressembleraient les interactions quotidiennes avec la banque de mes rêves ? Le matin,