After two years of virtual events we finally got the chance to attend (an in-person event at) the Gartner Data & AI Summit that took place in London. Keen to take advantage of the combined knowledge and experience of the +1500 attendees, we decided to ask them a question at
Advanced Analytics
Poseer la información adecuada en el momento preciso puede ser determinante en la resolución de un delito. Es por eso que una gestión de los datos que permita extraer de ellos el máximo valor se ha convertido en un aspecto fundamental para el sector de la Seguridad Pública. Información en
More newsworthy than ever, since the pandemic, the so-called ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) is one of the hottest topics in any organization, any industry. No surprise, ESG investing continues to soar in 2022. Did I tell you I work for a company that has a solar farm, bees and
One thing that impresses me about the analytical solutions we have is the degree of granularity we can get down to in the forecasting & planning process.
If you work in telecommunications analytics, you've heard that you need to build a complete image of the client to provide a first-class brand experience. But who is the "customer" in the telecommunications industry? Is it a "sim" that uses our service? Or is it the identification number to which
The topic of sustainability has always been on the agenda at SAS in one way or another. As we become more educated and aware across the globe, and more regulatory factors come into play, expectations and accountabilities are under scrutiny like never before. I caught up with Malinda Salter, Senior
Change is the only constant, and it doesn’t happen overnight. This is particularly true in the world of data analytics. As organizations are looking to become more digital, resilient and profitable, executives are going back to the whiteboard to reconsider how they’re using data and analytics to transform their business.
It’s only been three years since Gartner coined the term “hyperautomation.” But a lot has changed since then, both in global events and technological developments. While automation has a long history, it’s evolved rapidly in the digital age. Businesses in every sector – including warehousing, health care, banking, agriculture, insurance,
On s'accorde de plus en plus à dire que presque toutes les entreprises devront recourir davantage à l'analyse. L'utilisation des données n'est plus un luxe, mais une méthode de travail essentielle. C'est un facteur d'efficience, d'efficacité et de centrage sur le client. Pour ceux d'entre nous qui travaillent dans le
La tecnología o la experiencia de cliente son algunos de los factores que más peso están adquiriendo en la evolución que vive el sector Seguros. Así, en los últimos años estamos observando un interés cada vez mayor en la ciencia de datos y aplicaciones de machine learning de las compañías