
Rebecca Allen
Recreation and Fitness Program Coordinator Wellness

Rebecca E. Allen is passionate about helping others develop and nurture practices of well-being.   She earned her BS in Sociology and MA in Exercise and Sport Science and holds fitness certifications from ACE, AFAA,, IFTA, and Tai Chi for Health Institute.  She is a Medical Exercise Specialist and is registered with Yoga Alliance as a 500 RYT. Rebecca enjoys long walks in the woods with her husband, Chip Davis.

Work & Life at SAS
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Give Your Heart a Break

Introducing Guest Blogger: Shelly Starling Shelly is a Fitness/Wellness intern at the Recreation and Fitness Center.  She is pursuing an Associates degree in Health and Fitness Science at Wake Technical Community College.  Her interest in mind/body connection led her to pursue her 200 hour yoga certification in 2017.  She enjoys

Work & Life at SAS
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Happy Holidays from the RFC!

Staff parties, holiday treats, indoor snow days, the list of welcomed distractions continues.  This time of year is full of festivities  that call for our attention.  The choices can be daunting at times.  Sometimes they derail us from our plans and progress. What can you do to manage the madness?

Work & Life at SAS
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Move of the Month: Turkish Getup

Everybody GET UP! Want to train the entire body in one exercise?  This is it!  The Turkish Getup is a multi-joint, multi-movement exercise that incorporates transitioning from the ground to standing.  This exercise requires synergy, coordination, and core/shoulder stabilization to increase your functional strength.  It may seem daunting, but it is