Lengthens inner thigh and side waist. Engages core and lengthens spine while opening chest, arms and shoulders. Gate Pose (Sanskrit: Parighasana) Begin on mat kneeling with toes curled under and torso lengthened with crown reaching tall. Extend your right leg out to the right and press your entire foot into
Is this menopause? Maybe you've noticed some changes. Perhaps it’s the occasional hot flushed feeling that erupts like a volcano or maybe it's the irregular periods when you’ve always been like clockwork. Although menopause is often thought of as a singular event, it isn’t unless you are undergoing chemotherapy that
Opens chest, inner thighs while strengthening back, core and thighs. Goddess Pose (Sanskrit: Utkata Konasana) Begin in Mountain at the front of your mat. Step your left foot back as if you were moving into High Lunge. Turn your entire body to the left turning toes out to corners of
Stretches shoulders, hamstrings and calves while strengthening arms, core and back; Calms the mind! Dolphin Pose (Sanskrit: Ardha Pincha Mayurasana) Start on hands and knees with toes curled under – wrists under shoulders and hips over knees. Core is engaged and drawing in towards spine. Shoulder blades are sliding down
Strengthens quads/glutes/core & lengthens/rotates spine to provide more breathing room Chair (Sanskrit: Utkatasana) With feet together, stand in Mountain (Tadasana). Engage Uddiyana Bandha (drawing the navel in towards spine) to support the back/core. Palms at heart center, take hips back as if you’re sitting in an imaginary chair (or ottoman
Strengthens arms, wrists, core, spine and thighs. Opens chest and shoulders while improving posture. Upward-Facing Dog Pose (Sanskrit: Urdhva Mukha Svanasana) Begin lying down on mat (face down). Legs are lengthened behind with inner thighs spiraling so all ten toes and top of feet are planted in mat. Place palms
The morning sunrises have been exceptionally beautiful this winter. Vibrant colors of fiery pinks and orange give way to bright blue skies and white fluffy clouds. There is something magical about being connected to nature, especially in the early morning before life has awoken. It takes me back to my
Strengthens arms, shoulders, back, core and quadriceps Four-Limbed Staff Pose (Sanskrit: Chaturanga Dandasana) Start on hands and knees and then move into Plank. Wrists are under shoulders and you’re engaging quadriceps and pressing through heels as if you’re stepping on the floor. Core is engaged and drawing in towards spine.
Strengthens arms, core and quadriceps; opens shoulders and chest while lengthening hamstrings (great pose for the entire body) Downward Facing Dog Pose (Sanskrit: Adho Mukha Svanasana) Come onto floor on hands and knees. Place knees directly below hips and hands slightly forward of shoulders. Spread palms, middle fingers parallel
As the New Year has woven its way into our landscape, I think of the days that have vanished into the horizon. I’m reminded of how quickly the seasons pass and how synonymous they are with resolutions. We begin by planting seeds in the cool, moist soil. We tend our