#WFM Healthy Habits

This year has been a turbulent one in a very short three months. Being tossed into the storm meant finding a new way to balance work and life when the two are forced to exist in the same shared space. We may not have chosen this situation, but it is a unique opportunity to set up healthy habits we can carry forward once the world returns to its regularly scheduled programming.  The routine from alarm to first break, my launching point of every day, sets the tone to keep me consistent day in and day out. While I have always had a morning routine, this new one has been so effective that, with a few tweaks, I will continue to use it after we all return to campus. My morning rituals are unique and surround these two furballs:
Nearly every day of #WFH2020 I have had a conversation that follows a consistent theme and its music to my trainer ears.  Take a look at what fellow SAS family have said since all of this started:
  • I am working out more
  • I am walking every day
  • I am paying better attention to what I eat.
  • I am drinking more water.
  • I am spending more quality time with my family.
These simple changes our coworkers have noticed happened naturally - simply because they were working from home. I am sure everyone can look at this list and identify with at least one habit they have inadvertently picked up as well.
Here's a two-fold challenge I offer you:
  • First, start identifying routines that are unique to your work from home situation that you look forward to every day.  It can be activities with family, exercise, meditation, tasks around meals, yard work, etc.
  • Second, build those activities into a consistent routine that allows you to step away from the computer giving your eyes, posture, and mind a break for a few moments so that you come back with fresh eyes and mindset.

As we practice these healthy routines over the course of the next month, take stock of how these moments affect your mood and outlook on the day.  Is it worth carrying these small habits forward when we return to our normal work schedules? Most likely!

Share your new healthy work from home habits below!


About Author

Ryan Wands

Ryan Wands is an Associate Recreation and Fitness Program Coordinator at the Recreation and Fitness Center with a passion for endurance and mobility training. He enjoys teaching our SAS family intuitive movement while ensuring no one takes themselves too seriously. If you want to talk coffee, obstacle course racing, or metabolism his door is open!

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